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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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Koinoina is at the marina now, eagerly anticipating her early splash into the waters of Barnegat Bay. I spent a few hours last night rigging her and tonight my son Chris, partner in crime and construction and a quite intuitive sailor in his own rite, helped me raise the mast which is always a cause for celebration considering that I usually forget or mis-rig something.  But almost without a hitch, up went the stick. Tomorrow at 9 she gets lifted by the travel lift and I'll complete the rig tuning. I hope to do the shakedown cruise on Saturday. It feels good to be in the water early- last year it was the week before Labor day when we took our first dunk.

Tim Gardner

Never Be Afraid to Try Something New, Remember Amateurs Built the Ark.  Professionals Built the Titanic (update) and the Titan Submersible.


the 2015 barnegat bay sailing season is about to begin!   good for you , Bob..  have a safe and exciting summer..   jt


  The spring 2015 splashing of Koinonia went fine. I got to the marina early, all coffeefied, and completed the rigging. It seems that each year I get some line or another confused but not this time-all seemed ok until I pulled on the jib sock uphaul, which somehow got wrapped over the antenna bracket! still works and will work until such time as the boat is pulled for CLR.
 Vinnie, at the helm of the travellift did a flawless job, as usual. It's always a but scary to see ones boat hanging there, swaying a bit before she's plopped into the water where she belongs. Today it's final rig tuning, sail bending and then, hopefully off for the inaugural sail of 2015 where some beer will be offered to the waters as a bribe for a safe sailing season.


Tim Gardner

Cool!  So you're really gonna pull her to the CLR, Eh?
Never Be Afraid to Try Something New, Remember Amateurs Built the Ark.  Professionals Built the Titanic (update) and the Titan Submersible.


Tentatively planning to. I need to get the 2 thumbs up from my mechanic before I make a firm decision. Last thing I want is to get stranded in the middle of nowhere with a broken down Tundra towing a 4000 pound sailboat/trailer package.


   like every other beautiful woman, i want to see koinonia in the flesh. have a great day on the water. our plans today include a trip to the sailing association's open house. maybe jack will be there and we can go out on his big hunter. take good care and fairwinds
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


Umm...this is a family show! :)  Tuned the rig today which proved to take more time than I thought. (what doesn't) and bent on the sails. When I do the spring rigging, I enjoy taking my time, gabbing with whoever will listen and just enjoying the day. Soo....I never made it out on the water today. Last minute I noticed a leaking fuel line fitting so I spent some time hunting down the part. Tomorrow's the day...wonder who's brave enough to go out for the shakedown cruise?


I glad to see that you were able to get Koinonia  in the water early this year.  Have a great day on the water today!  If I were closer I would jump at the chance to crew with you (well maybe not actually "jump".)
I'll be looking forward to a report and maybe seeing some pics.

"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42


Glad to hear that you're finally floating and rigged up for the summer!     

"Island Time" 1998 Com-pac 19XL # 603


   Today was the inaugural sail of the intrepid Koinoina! My goal was to have her swinging merrily from her mooring today but that did not happen due to last minute fuel problems. I developed a leak in the tank fitting and somehow many gasoline fumes found their way into the cabin via the cockpit storage lockers. So not being a fan of boat explosions, I spent much time airing out the cabin and bilge with a fan before pronouncing her safe to sail. That cost me a day!
   Winds were light and building out of the SSW and, as expected, she performed flawlessly. Just as last years first sail, which took place on the wrong end of the summer, I was accompanied by the lovely and talented Kathy, my sailing and gabbing friend. Last year, the dreaded nausea demon dared not to show himself but this year, he was back with a vengeance and, although we were not out long she soon began succumbing to some seasickness. We had a short but nice time and no cookies were spilled but note to self: Carry chewable ginger and ginger ale on board but I doubt it would have helped her today. 
   We took a half dozen tacks which was enough to rate my rudder modifications a complete success! The rudder now is tilted forward quite a bit beyond plumb, so much so that I think it actually will miss the prop should I not be paying attention. That never happens!! Koinonia is still residing at Long Key Marina for a few more days until I have the chance to move her down to her home mooring in Surf City. There is something special about the first sail of the season: Kind of a proclamation that summer is here, there are boats to sail and fun to have. The mantra for 2015 is: Sail more, row more, write more and gab more...and work less! We'll see how this works out. I know I'd been toying with selling the girl but, just as last year, the minute I have the tiller in my hand, and the wind fills the sails and she slyly lifts her skirt as she accelerates, I wonder how could I ever think of selling?  She is one magnificent little yacht!
Bob...for the cause!


Way to go, Bob!!!!
Sail On.......

"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42


  An outstanding day was granted to me to sail Koinonia down to her home port in Surf City, NJ. The sun was out which was odd because we had rain for so long we'd forgotten what it looked like. The winds started out ENE but were forecast to end up ESE which means a close reach once I get close to Long Beach Island. Since some of the channels are narrow, the choice is to tack or motor. I was out for a leasurely sail so I refused Miss Nissan's assistance choosing instead to tack as many times as it took, which didn't turn out to be excessive.
  The new rudder modification has worked better than expected with weather helm reduced to a hardly perceptible level. Cutting the top of the blade which allows it to tilt forward of plumb and places more of the blade ahead of the pivot point, as well adding the Compac factory hold down bracket has proved to be one of the best projects this little yacht has received. And she offered her thanks by way of one of the greatest sails we've had. Having so little weather helm enables me to use the tiller extension so I can sit forward and help trim the boat better. She seemed to point higher, tack easier and maybe it's my imagination but she seemed faster.
   One thing I did upon launching that I haven't been too diligent about in the past is tuning the rig. I took a full 2 hours to get it where I thought it should be. The mast has a slight forward tilt and I was able to get the bend out of it by straightening it out over the winter.   
This is a different kind of sailing year for me. Her teak is in the worse shape since I bought her. I've yet to wax her cabinsides and top. The interior is fine but I never got around to varnishing the cabin sole. Her and I had a talk about this over the winter and it went somewhat like this:
"You know, you waited almost until the end of the summer last year to splash me".
" I know...I was busy at work, busy at rowing and busy at-"
"Well, yes a bit of that also. But I wanted you to look your best."
"Let me in on a little secret: I can dance just as well in a gown and heels as I can in blue jeans and sneakers. Maybe better. I want to dance this summer and if you don't take me, I'll find someone who will."
"Hmm...I get the message. We'll be in Memorial Day Weekend. I promise"
"Yeah, right. I'll believe that when I see it!"
   Well, our conversation went on but in the end, I did keep my promise. We sailed first time on Memorial Day but it took a full 2 weeks to get her down to her summer home. I'll tell you: This girl makes me look good!

Tim Gardner

A fine looking ship!  A bit down by the bow, though.  Depressed that you might not show up again til Labor Day?

I think she wants to travel. She's tired of the salty life and wants to taste fresh water, even if its just for a few days.
Can you say CLR?
Never Be Afraid to Try Something New, Remember Amateurs Built the Ark.  Professionals Built the Titanic (update) and the Titan Submersible.