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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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   let's plan  on doing a circumnavigation of  the barrier island..   we will use your boat in case we run into any difficulties :)    i would love to make the trip..   at this point, I am not sure if i will get  Adagio in the water next summer..  so i am going to need some kind of sailing experience..   jt


We really should plan on such a trip. If we don't nail it down in concrete, we won't do it.
You should put your boat in. 2 consecutive summers without her in the water is not good...people might start to talk!


hey.. i am looking at a satellite image of   barnegat inlet.. i think we can do it  :)     i know that your boat is tailored for just you.  i will sleep in the cockpit  :)    i am actually toying around with the idea of taking the boat on the erie canal.. leave the mast at home..    but, as we know, lots can change  in 7 months!    jt


   The boat is easily convertible for use by more than just me. It worked well with Sean and Emily at the BBB. Actually, I learned a lot about how to pack light and plan.
   Let's get serious and plan this! We'd probably overnight at Myers hole, sail out in the morning and come in Beach Haven Inlet later in the afternoon. Or vice versa. I've heard it's safer to go out BH than come in. Lots of standing breakers and Sandy changed it a lot. Let's do it.


sounds great!    nothing like planning  a summer adventure  to help the  cold winter pass by..   maybe the weekend of the mid winter gathering, janet and I can  make it a special get away weekend..   and we could visit you guys .. the girls can talk about gardening , and we can  look at charts :)    jt   
btw..  that is very thoughtful of you to  offer a bunk on Koinonia.. what an honor!


That sounds great, JT. It would be fun and considering you are already familiar with the 23, we'd be one step ahead already. Plus we'd both get some needed experience offshore.


  I've heard that this kind of mini offshore voyaging can leave one with big amounts of free time. I figured while I sat around and drank PBR all day and munched on chips, you could sand and refinish all my teak, wax the cabinsides, sew new cushions, and tune the outboard. Sounds pretty good, ayuh?
  What month is best for you, JT, for the actual voyage? In my experience, if we remain vague about this and don't start to plan specifics, it will never happen.


wow.. looks like i will be busy!    i agree..  if we don't put something on the calendar, it won't happen..    let's give is some serious thought.  i am thinking  that early june will be taken up by  an annual  community service trip that i do with students..   then we were thinking about   the last part of june for the possible  erie canal trip..   but we need to work on that..     it gets awfully hot in august..   does july work? 


July will work as far as I can see. The CLR is in July so I'll be there. And the Blackburn Challenge was in July this year, don't know about 2015. but let's not forget this trip- we'll make it happen.


A very Happy Thanksgiving from "Koinoina" and the turkeys here in NJ!


  Black Friday Sail...didn't happen but my friend Bob and I did indeed get out yesterday. Wind was a solid 20 SSW with temps in low 50's. The cloud cover made it feel a bit colder. We sailed under single reefed main and partially furled genoa. The luff pad the sailmaker put in the headsail really pays off when rolling it in a bit.
  Bob and I are twin brothers from different mothers- same age, same birthday, both leftys and same off kilter sense of humor but he's a bit quicker on the draw. We both had our summers go by too fast and didn't get out together so I was thrilled that he could make it out yesterday, which may have been the last sail if the season. (Although I'm thinking about squeaking one more week out). We had a great time and the ship was also happy to get out of the slip and stretch a bit. She also thoroughly enjoyed it and took the oncoming swells with ease. 



Glad you got out on the bay and had a nice sail with Bob2. Looks like Thursday might be another likely lure. And even the middle of next week. The weather gods are being sympathetic to die-hard sailors this Fall. You might even make it to the Winter solstice! More stories for the MWG.

Marty K.
"...when you're on your deathbed, you don't regret the things you did, you regret what you didn't do."  Randy Pausch


Tomorrow is haulout day for Koinoina.
   She's made it clear that she's not really a cold weather girl so it's time to get her into those winter pj's and snuggle down for the winter. Even though she went in so late this year, we've had some memorable sails this year, most of which have been chronicled here for your reading pleasure.
   The Compac 23 is, in my most humble opinion, one of the most perfect small sailboats ever conceived. They are proportionately correct, sail well, have plenty of room (sure, no standing headroom but, really- how much time do you spend down there anyway) and are built well. Every once in a while I toy with trading up or down and there are plenty of other boats out there to catch your eye. But for the way I sail, she is perfect. Of course, there's always that Flicka girl winking at me everytime I go by...she's a beauty. And I'd love to own a Cape Dory Typhoon. And how about a......


Why do you think that you won't get into the water until late next season?

If you ever feel like venturing a little south come by the Chesapeake Bay and Potomac River.  Good cruising grounds and unique places to sail.

If the season develops as I am hoping, it could be fun to get a few together and sail over to Tangier Island or Smith Island.  Got to go back before they sink into the Chesapeake Bay!
Døyr fe, døyr frender
Døyr sjølv det sama
men ordet om deg aldreg døyr
vinn du et gjetord gjevt


  I fully intend to get in earlier next years past, I've been sailing in late April. But this year was a concoction of confusion, too much work and I got sidetracked rowing like a madman. Next year could be better.
  I did intend to do some Chesapeake cruising but it was more of a pipe dream. When in came down to reality, there wasn't sufficient time to plan and execute this cruise. My plan was to trailer to the head of the Chesapeake and make my way down to visit my friends Pedro and Ann, also Compac 23 folks. Maybe next year.
  An old friend of mine used to own a place on Tangier. He's gone- moved upstairs, as we say, and the place is sold. Looks like a great little place.