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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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   Did the boat recover or stay over?  I usually do reef early and I did indeed take a few turns on the CDI but felt that I was only a bit overcanvassed and was enjoying the speed. That gust came out of nowhere!!! I was assuming the wind would switch to NNW so I kept up full sail. Once it really started to blow, reefing was gonna be hard so  just endured the speed. :)   
   I love my concrete keel...we are friends!


We popped back up but there were claw marks on the deck.  We had to cut the spinnaker sheets loose to get her back up.  It was scary.  Even crazier is when the helmsman/owner got to the next mark and said to pop the chute again.

I wish I had a second reef point because I know that if I get in a blow I am not motoring into it.  I may price it out to add one since I need a slight repair on a chafe area on the main head.
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fried fish

Wow Bob that was quite an experience! Gulp....excessive heel.
Did The poop cork hold or did you mess your pants?


Quote from: fried fish on October 19, 2015, 09:10:16 PM
Did The poop cork hold or did you mess your pants?

If he did he wouldn't have known due to the numbness of the chilly water and the freshly cleaned cockpit!

Shhhh Bob, your secret is safe with us!
1983 Com-Pac 19 I hull number 35 -no name-


It's nice to have guys are too good to me!


   Today was fall decommissioning day for the intrepid yacht Koinonia. Twas a beautiful fall day with clear skies and brisk winds out of the west and I was gonna sail but somehow, you just know when the end of the season is here. Upon arriving at the marina, I hoisted sails with the brave yacht tied in her slip, hosed the sails down and then went about the numerous small tasks that I do every fall. In the past, I would have chosen a fall sail, then the weather gets cold, marina water is off and I put the sails away unrinsed. Horrors upon horrors!!!   All went well today, the boat didn't sail away, the sails dried well and soon were folded and bagged, ready for another winters rest.  Lines were removed, the radio taken out and the drinking water container emptied.
   It's always a bit sad when the end of another sailing season comes and it does take time to get everything in order but I kind of like the ritual. She's a fine yacht and deserves to be pampered a bit before hibernation.  I've toyed with leaving her in all year but I don't think I'd get the use out of her like in the warmer weather.


   Today the mighty sailing yacht Koinonia was hauled marking the official end of the sailing season for me here in NJ. As usual, Vinnie at the marina gave me a very reasonable bill considering I was in a slip for well over a month and he hauled, powerwashed her and plopped her on her trailer. 100 clams cashino and a few cases of beer that I personally will select for him and his crew. The only rule? No Coors light.
   She had a few hitch hiking barnacles on her bottom this year which could explain why she felt a bit slower than normal. But the haulout was uneventful. I phoned my friend Bill The Burrito who lives a few blocks away to ask for a hand lowering the mast and he did just fine which is bad for him because I'm gonna draft him for the spring rigging, too!!!! 
   This week, she gets her winter pj's on and I, if I can avoid getting too lazy, will start the winter projects which include installation of a 12 cylinder Catapillar diesel, 48" sub zero fridge, 6 burner Wolfe gas range and of course, a wine cooler! Hey, every bay front home has to have a few amenities!!!


   Maybe it's the warm weather we've been enjoying here in the northeast. Or maybe I'm spending too much time hanging out here and listening to all you guys who are still sailing. Or maybe I'm getting too darn impatient but today, Koinonia has made the journey from her winter hibernation location to my driveway for some final prep before she goes for her first swim this spring. As I drove east from LBI to my house, I thought I could detect a slight smile on her bow when I looked in my rear view mirror! Yup, she knows what's coming next.
   I'm toying with an April Fools Day launch date this year and that would be the earliest yet. But I was reminded of the brevity of life this past week when I almost lost a dear friend. Reminded of how short life really is. So fragile and temporary. And I'm vowing to myself to not allow work to interfere any more than necessary with my sailing life. So...I hope to report back her in the beginning of April to chronicle my first sail of 2016. Stay tuned and you'll find out the answer to that nagging question: What kind of beer will I pour in the bay thus signaling the start of the 2016 sailing season, at least for me.


I sure hope Koinonia makes her way into the Chesapeake to meet up at Tangier.  It sure will be a fun trip and a very memorable place to visit!
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  I was actually on the phone with PeterG today and this came up. As far as it's possible, I plan to trailer to boat down and do this trip. It will depend on work and other circumstances but I think it's very doable. As you seem to be the chief instigator of this adventure, I'll leave it to you to post updates on the actual details. But I plan to do a little tow trip with the boat this weekend to see how she and the truck get along on a long distance tow. Looking forward to seeing Tangier!


Tangier will not disappoint.  It is very unique and I have my own unique memory from there.  LOL. 

I am looking forward to seeing you there and seeing Koinonia.  I guess I should dress Saga up nice this spring so she can look nice since there will be other 23s in the neighborhood. 
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I hope it comes to pass. The teak on my boat is in the worst shape in years. I'll spruce it up a bit but it won't be perfect by launch time. By all rites, I should keep this boat out of the water for 1 season to complete everything I want to but she will not hear of it! She wants to dance and that's final, she says! She ain't at the dance to impress anyone, she just wants to dance!


Bob, we are sailors, not yard maintenance people.  Our boats want to sail.  We fix them up here and there when we can but they don't like sitting. 

A really bad confession is that I like maintenance work, most projects that is, and enjoy working on her.  I would have a boat in bristol condition if money wasn't an object.

Still, Koinonia will love the Chesapeake Bay.  There are some amazing places here.
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I love working on the boat and for the first 4 years, my teak was in perfect condition. And I've maintained it ok...until last summer. I decided I wanted to sail more than sand teak...the boat did not object! We'll talk in detail about the Tangier trip...I'm more than interested and will look for updates
Bob23...gettin' antsy!!!!


Hey Bob, PeterG and i were discussing your gittin ready to get ready and taking your girl for a drive! They really don't get out (of the water) much! Sure she enjoyed it!

Yeah, thought about doing our girl's teak, looks like it will be on the back seat for awhile. Teak projects have been replaced by leak projects :)

We will definitely get you (and Heave) to make it to Merrior. Such a fun place, one if by land, two if by sea. Will explain later.
S/V  'Mas' ' 87 CP16/2