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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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hi bob.. great story!   what a nice way to spend friday night..   this weekend was our apple festival  on top of parents' weekend at school.   pretty wiped out about now!   it is good to hear that you are getting some time to enjoy the boat.   I hope that there will be more to add before the end of your season!  jt


Bob, that is a great story glad you got an overnight before your season ends.  I'll have a few myself, however, the difference is that it is so calm at night on Bay Springs Lake that I don't even know I'm on a boat at night.  Looks like mine will be solo also since the Admiral broke her ankle.  She is progressing, the crutches and hard cast are gone, now in the soft boot and rehab but still not solid enough for sailing.


Thanks, gents:
  Thinking about a multi overnight...maybe sail north of the Toms River bridge into parts least to me. Depends on weather, work and wife. The 3 W's!
Should just go and the W's be danged.


  Although we're well into fall here in NJ, my daughter Joanna, who is visiting from New Smyrna Beach, FL, and I got out for a nice afternoon of sailing. Winds were 8 to 10 with an occasional gust, mostly from the west. The intrepid Koinonia was feeling fast and literally sailed away from a Typhoon (the boat, not the storm) although he may not have realized a race was in progress. We motored out of the marina where Jo held her into the wind while the old man (yep-me) raised the main. I told her to watch the depth sounder and when she noted 4.0, I thought she was kidding. We've had some really low tides lately and combined with the bottom being changed by Sandy, we promptly used the rudder to carve yet another small ditch in the bottom. No problem...the extreme horsepower delivered by the sails soon overcame gravity's diabolical plot to foil our afternoon and we were soon on our way.
  Of course, we gabbed and gabbed and really enjoyed our time together, observing the colorful contrast of fall leaves mixed with the dark green background of the pines and cedars which are prevalent in South Jersey. She, being a Floridian for about 4 years, soon started feeling chilly so we furled sails, headed in and did not crash while sliding into slip #65 at Long Key Marina.
  Soon we were off to my favorite coffee shop and hangout to enjoy a warm latte together and yet more gabbing. I'm always reminded that these are good but fleeting days so it's important to cherish every one of them. Life's too short not to have food fights and water fights and to cheat at checkers. A game of checkers has become a tradition between us and has been for many years since she was a small tike. I used to win I resort to cheating, which is practically impossible.
  We are celebrating our Thanksgiving early this year, this Saturday to be exact so we can enjoy it with here while she's here. We traditionally will cook and bake something together so that madness will begin on Saturday morning where we'll create another culinary creation. She's quite an accomplished baker and knows how to cook well and creatively so we'll see what she's got planned.
 Bob23, the blessed.  


hi Bob,   how nice that you got to spend time with Joanna aboard Koinonia!    glad that the rudder did not sustain any damage!  that might have put a damper on an otherwise wonderful afternoon.  I know that you treasure time spent with your daughter.   there are a number of us here who totally understand that!   Happy early thanksgiving :)

did you happen to fit in that small trip that you were dreaming about?    the season is quickly coming to a close..  so nice that you have been able to keep the boat in this long..  jt


  The small trip, being the cruise down the Chesapeake, did not materialize. I realized early on that it needed more planning than I was giving and my sailing season got started so late. I'd still like to do the trip and now that I've made friends with Mr. and Mrs. Elk, who reside not far from where I was planning to begin, I may be able to bribe him with Cape Cod Chips to help out in some way.
   Unless you're talking about going north of the Toms River bridge...still a possibility as the boat will be in through Thanksgiving. Depends on work load. But I'm looking forward to the MWG #3 this January. Could be a record attendance.
  All is well with you and Janet, I trust?


Bob, the mighty Beagle 3 will be in the water for a couple more weeks. You are always welcome to come on down and enjoy the delights of the southern Chesapeake before we haul for the winter. Big wind this time of year!  Not sure if a Barnegat sailor can handle this amount of wind.............. Pedro
Errabundi Saepe, Semper Certi
CP-16 Beagle 4 (sold)
CP-19 Athena (sold)
CP-19 Beagle (sold)
CP-27 Afternoon Beagle (sold)
CP-23 Beagle 3  (sold)
Ranger Tug "SisterShip" (sold)
Simmons Sea Skiff 1951 "Rebecca Ann"
Herreshoff America  (the original Horizon!)   (sold)
Arch Davis Wooden Gaff Rigged Dinghy
Windrider 16   2015 (sold)


  And the invite is reciprocal, PG. Koinoina will be in through Thanksgiving. If you ever venture north to NJ, you know where to find me. On the right end of the Gosslings bottle, for starters. 
  I have some major dental work planned for mid to end of November. Maybe I should make a point to make it down thar before that blessed time begins. Damn, I keep saying that- time to put feet on my words and make it happen. When is haulout?


Good Grief you stay in late.  Maybe I am just a fair weather sailor or too familiar with what my area can dish out this time of year but I am winterized and daydreaming of next season.....AND I AM SOUTH of you!

Even if I put my small jib up and had a double reef for the main the waves would be horrible when the wind comes up.  In this area you either have no wind or 25+ this time of year.  Cold water, high winds, and high waves aren't my cup of tea!
Døyr fe, døyr frender
Døyr sjølv det sama
men ordet om deg aldreg døyr
vinn du et gjetord gjevt


This was an off year. I didn't go in till the week before Labor Day. Yep, you read that right- not Memorial Day, but Labor Day. So I'm trying to squeeze every last minute of sailing that I possibly can before it really gets too cold. Besides, fall sailing here in NJ is great! Clear water, lots of wind, no yahoos.


OK. I feel that now that I can post photos, I should flood the site with my foto funny fanantics: How about something to get us all in the Christmas mood?

Sorry for the blur.


A shot of my daughter Joanna and I out sailing last week while she was up from sunny Fla-di-da.

"Of course I know what I'm doing!"


Hi Bob23,

  Found your comment about "unknown waters" north of the Toms interesting as to us waters south of the light exist on the chart only. We need to exchange info. I know it is a hike for you but north of the bridge has some nice sailing. Long tacts are possible on most points of wind and if you are interested in overnighting, there is a dandy natural cove at Cattus Island Park on the Silver Bay side.


Love to exchange info sometime. I was hoping to get up that way but the season seems to be drawing to a close. I've studied the charts and do plan to explore the uncharted waters north of the bridge. Love to get through the PP Canal some day. Plans for next spring.


Quote from: Bob23 on November 17, 2014, 03:38:41 PM

"Of course I know what I'm doing!"

So Bob.......  exactly what did you do or say to acquire that expression?   :)

"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42