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A little "Together Time" (The saga of a CP19)

Started by MacGyver, March 25, 2013, 11:50:00 AM

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Wow, Mac- many congrats are in order! So glad you and Together Time got out for a sail now that she's has a great new look! Wish I coulda been there with you!
I don't know about the 19's but my 23 doesn't get out of her own way without the jib up. I've found that even as the wind pipes up, dousing the jib isn't as effective as reefing both main and jib.
Again, congrats! Can't wait till you paint my boat. Do you do trucks and cars, too?


Congrats to you Mac and your amazing First Mate Ginger.  You guys will have a beautiful boat to show off and sail.  All the work you folks did will reward you for years to come.

We'll be seeing you two and Together Time very soon.  

Mike and B
'84 CP-16 (sold) - '88 CP-19II (sold) - '88 Com-Pac 23/3 (sold)

"I'm just one bad decision away from a really good time."


   this is why i have decided to have a secret ballot on who has the prettiest boat this year. and no i wont be voting for the audrey j
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


Quote from: kickingbug1 on June 26, 2013, 10:58:29 AM
   this is why i have decided to have a secret ballot on who has the prettiest boat this year. and no i wont be voting for the audrey j

We won't vote for Wrinkles either.  We haven't so much as washed the winter gook off fer yet.  We are sailing, but we ain't cleaning.

We'll just let the Time Twins (Island and Together) battle it out.

Mike and B
'84 CP-16 (sold) - '88 CP-19II (sold) - '88 Com-Pac 23/3 (sold)

"I'm just one bad decision away from a really good time."


    hey jason, sarah and i were up at the lake on monday. when we left the house the sky looked pretty clear but as we headed east it began to rain and was raining when we arrived. however, we did get to see "together time" in the water. she looks great. a very nice job indeed. i better get to work if im gonna get my 16 cleaned up for next week. she has got to look good passing the finish line. see ya next week.
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


Thanks Steve

We are looking forward to next week also, might actually get a 2nd sail in!
Ginger was able to get the whole weekend off also finally just yesterday, so vacation worked itself out luckily.

I need to pull the boat sometime to get the names put on it, and registration numbers. Hopefully it compliments the boat!

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


Pulled the boat today as I figured it would be easier to do the names and reg numbers than to do it in the water. I also have had a "crick" in the neck for like a week and a half that my Chiro couldnt get rid of......  :(

Icy Hot applied, we went to go work on the boat.
Pulling went better than my wife had thought it would. I was glad to hear that. means we are getting better at it.  ;D

We forgot to bring water..... so getting dry in the mouth and a flaming hot back (due to the icy hot in the sun.....  >:( ) We applied the names and stood back to observe the placement. We then moved up to the bow to "ruin the boat" as I call it by placing the reg numbers.....

It actually turned out fairly well, so we relaunched it as my shirt was burning off my back (Trust me Icy Hot and the sun dont mix even when covered up.....)

Now we are waiting on some friends to go out with us today for a swim and sail. Going to be a nice day!

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


   Mac   Very nice job. Time to play now......have fun.



Thanks Nay!

We went out about 1 pm, to a decent lake, power boaters galore,  and the little sailboat harbor running a race. It was really cool to see all the boats out sailing, and a couple power boaters hanging around a race bouy..... made me wonder how that faired for them when the sailboats came to round it.....

We sailed across to McNair which is a straight shot from the marina. Anchored out and jumped in. What a great day, nice easy sail with my friend at the helm trying to get the boat to 15 degree heel. laughing as they see me get nervous through the gusts........ it was a lot of fun.

The best part though, was when Ginger got out of the water onto the boat to go pee. She gets down into the boat, all situated to do the job and as that was happening one of the several powerboats that decided to run full speed past us was running about 1/4 throttle. The wake he was pushing was massive, probably 1.5 foot to 2 foot rollers.......
As they went past us 3 that were swimming, they battered the boat which rode on top of them hitting the boat broad side......
All you could hear over our laughter was Ginger yelling "OMG" and her head bobbling around in the half covered hatch.

I did warn her the best I could but couldnt hear the response...... It was HILARIOUS.
The power boater was coming to a stop but the hull style of his boat (he kept it at our marina, so I knew the boat) makes a huge wake under low power....... they sat and watched and pointed when the boat jumped around, I am sure they laughed too........ it had to be a sight.

I had a post about the anchor, and how the 19 bobbles like a bobber...... well, when Ginger got out of the boat, and back in the water, she calmly told me " order the anchor riding sail, order buckets, lines, whatever...... do it. DO IT ALL." Then laughed out loud.

It was a great time, and as we watched the jerk power boaters run close to us, we also watched the boat jump all around tugging like a mad dog at her anchor line......

Anyway, after most of them cleared out, we went ahead and got back in the boat and sailed back in. All of use with a hilarious story to tell. I think that was good, as our friends have never been able to get a good sail with us..... It typically rains us out.

What a great day, a little "Together Time" with friends.

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


Quote from: MacGyver on July 07, 2013, 06:43:01 PM
Anyway, after most of them cleared out, we went ahead and got back in the boat and sailed back in. All of use with a hilarious story to tell. I think that was good, as our friends have never been able to get a good sail with us..... It typically rains us out.

What a great day, a little "Together Time" with friends.


This is why this forum is good.  Thanks for the story Mac.


Funny story. Although I hate to tell you, but a riding sail won't keep the boat from "Rolling". It really only reduces it from "swinging" while at anchor.

The coffee cans off of each side will help the rolling though.

My best advice would be to have her pee in the water. Then you don't have to empty the port-o-potty later.and she won't be rocking....

My worst advice??? Poke a hole in the hull of the powerboat when it is at the marina.  That will help.
1983 Com-Pac 19 I hull number 35 -no name-


    well you finally got her done-----not done until she has a name on the hull. she looks GREAT. we will be up there this evening if the two mikes get in. beer in the cooler.
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


Last Friday the 16th, after Crazy Carl arrived and was setting up, I had already planed to try to single hand the boat. This thought had made me a bit nervous..... I have never gone out on our boat before alone, and despite knowing all that I needed to do, hadnt ever even tried to just do it all myself when I went with my wife, she always does something or another.....

So I started by getting setup, and decided on the 110 Jib just to be safe.
It was a little rough out but not bad. The waves were coming all the way down the lake, so they built pretty good by the time they got to me. I am not exactly sure what the wind was, but with full Jib and Full main, I was heeling around 7 to 10  with bumps up to about 16 degrees.

The first few tacks were simply done, without much issue at all, then I had a problem where I just wasnt fast enough, or I would forget to grab the tiller back after the turn, etc.

But what was cool was no one was there to talk to, no one to say anything about what I had done wrong, or to question things.... It was just me, analyzing the trip, the sails, messing about to see what kind of time I had to do things as I sailed along. My favorite music playing on the stereo in the cabin.

At one point, I wanted to see what would happen if I didnt sit on the high side, So I centered myself in the boat, hoping that the boat would essentially do what it would had it been sailing itself. At times the heel was 20 degrees, and the boat ran along at about 12 to 15 normally.

CrazyCarl, and Kickinbug came out and joined the fun on or around my 4th tack. I think I made about 10 tacks total, which took about 2 to 2.5 hours total. It was a great time weaving back and forth getting really close to Carl's boat, which is something I dont like with any people other than my fellow ComPac-onauts.

It was really a great experience, and I highly recommend it to anyone. It was funny to hear my wife say that she was "worried about me" and "glad to see you finally go out by yourself" all in the same breath. My boss spent around a half an hour just talking about the different things that happened, and what to do to make a few things more user friendly when I do go by myself.

Happy sailing everyone!   

Oh, and No Steve, Ginger said I cannot change the name to Single Time........ LOL

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


Gusts, Puffs, Not sure what the difference is, but they surely produce the same result.

Today we were unsure if we wanted to go out or not. There was white caps and gusty. We ended up going out for experience, and glad we did. We reefed and headed out with single reef main, (we only have one) and Jib. (115??)
I was telling Ginger about how you can see the puff or gust coming, as it shows a chattering in the water. she was really interested in this and after we had gotten the main set and were sailing along we decided the headsail was next.

She hoisted it up, then I set the jib sheet. We stayed in the cove right outside the harbor, which meant we would get a lot of practice tacking.
We tacked once, and on the second I had her go ahead and set the jib sheet. She held it tightly and started to grumble about how hard it was to hold onto the sheet (she has a funny way of cleating them off, but we were having fun) and just about when she had it cleated off (I wasn't paying attention by this time to the water for gusts/puffs) a big gust hit us pretty hard

The boat heeled way over, enough that Ginger "touched the water!!" and she in her quick thinking let the jib sheet loose, and I steered right into the wind while yelling "hang on!"....... After the ordeal Ginger and I had decided that we had done really well with the problem as we replayed it back analyzing what we had done. With the reefed main only (after fighting to get eh jib down..... still haven't solved my jib downhaul yet..... but I will.)  we sailed down wind "moving quite fast, actually, faster than most days on just the main!" Ginger remarked (she thought at the beginning we wouldn't hardly go fast enough on just the reefed main) then tacked back and forth quite a bit to still enjoy the day.

To be honest...... A big thank you to Greenes ,Crazy Carl, and Salty19 for showing me how they reef, and how to reef. This is the second time I have had to reef, and actually had fun when I went out when things looked bad.
The last time was CLR (which is where I picked up the helpful tips) and that was a comfortable sail for the both of us, and normally we wouldn't have gone out at all!

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


So, with our decision to keep Together Time, My wife had me start on some other projects she wanted to see done. I ended up making some winch covers for the Lewmar 6's on the boat along with some interior porthole covers. The winch covers was accomplished by using SailRite's materials kit for a winch cover. It worked well as far as construction went. I hope to test them soon.
The porthole cover fits on the inside, and have yet to be tested, along with a few finishing touches....... but I have confidence that they will work well. Here are some pictures:

Now on to some cockpit cushions I think....... I am a bit nervous.
Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.