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A little "Together Time" (The saga of a CP19)

Started by MacGyver, March 25, 2013, 11:50:00 AM

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Pete H

Hi Mac Guyver

I am glad to hear that your recovery continues. I send my you my best wishes and prayers that the path ahead for you is one leading to rapid and complete recovery.

I always enjoy your posts, and will follow your restoration project with interest.

Pete H
Muggler (Compac Legacy)
" Nothing satisfies the man who is not satisfied with a little".   Epicurus 341 BC-270BC


Mike, thanks for such kind words, it is much appreciated!

And thank you too Pete!

I appreciate the kindness greatly.

I talked with my Interlux rep the other day (days seem to run together, so much going on lately!) and told him my want to maintain the knotted rope in the cockpit. He agreed with my concern that the primer may be like a filler and so he told me to prep the knotted rope the best I could with green or red scotch brites, then clean well with solvents, and paint with the perfection.

That is the new plan. So to list out the total plan as it sits now:
Interlux 2000 on the bare glass areas (2 coats)
Then sand with 120 -220 grit (my choice of grit) and wipe down, then coat with 404 primekote
The PrimeKote can be 2nd coated at green stage of first coat. That is the only coat that can be avoided for sanding between coats.

Sand the PrimeKote with 320, and paint with Perfection. 2 to 3 coats of Perfection.

I wont be painting for a bit, as I still have some prep work to do yet, but I have begun the 2000 priming, and sanded some other repaired spots. The weather is so crazy right now with temp swings of nearly 30 degrees.... so that is causing me issues at work that I wont be having at home. This does put the project off some..... but with this weather I doubt I would be sailing anyway.....

This also will only help to make a better job in the end (I hope!!)

Thanks for reading! Hopefully next time I have pictures of progress to show!   ;)

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


     mike i cant wait for jason to finish my boat----(im sure ginger wants a 23). send me pics when shes done and ill come pick her up.
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


LOL Steve  ;)  I will be in touch,  ;D

As much as the wife wants a 23, is as much as I want a bigger wallet! hahhahahahahh

Update for today, weather was perfect! So I pulled the boat out and worked on it outside. Then I washed down the sides since I still had some more fairing filler to do on the deck.
I also filled around the drains to help seal the leaks they had. I used West System and 404 filler for those and the System 3 fairing filler I talked about earlier to fill the deck issues.

Here is a picture of the deck under 2000

Here is a picture of it after all the work today. Tomorrow I will be coating the topsides with primer and starting the paint over the next few days after I sand the primer.

This painting of the sides will give me some more time with the paint before I start the deck. I am also still planning out the procedure of the deck and my paint rep is coming at the end of the month to look at the progress. I feel comfortable with doing the topsides more so than the deck work before he gets here.
This is going to look really nice in the end, and after today, I can really tell the end is near....... a lot closer than I felt it was a few weeks ago.


Edit:::: The color will be Perfection Platinum and the brown stripes will be Brightsides Sapphire Blue (Top stripe will look the same and bottom stripe will be the 2 inch stripe, only painted instead of vinyl)
Picture that when looking at the last picture ;)
Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


That is gonna be a beauty. For years I have prided myself with taking any machine already in pieces with a parts manual and service and repair manual and be able to find defective parts, repair and rebuild. For the life of me I cannot paint. On the original sister- ribbed, rotting, and rusting I could drive twisted oakum, use penetrating epoxy, and layup those rib composites but I could not paint. I can even prep and sand, but if it ain't rattle-can I can't do it. I can even do juice boxes (prefer Allison 5 sp or larger) but no paint.  So Jason if you ever run across a 1-3 cylinder yanmar or Kubota you want trade a little work on let me know.

I'll do larger but I think I'll need something besides by jeep or boat. Speaking of which did you know Cat know owns Lehman? I just got over Fiat buying Allis Chalmers-- But the good part Cat is still USA.


    i think we will have vote to see who has the prettiest boat at the clr-----i sure wouldnt want to choose one------looking great jason and kudos on the name--even though it isnt "ginger"      salute
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


Today I did the primer on the topsides. I used 404 Epoxy PrimeKote, for the first time today. I was a bit overwhelmed at first, it is pretty thick and I wasnt told by the rep to thin it.......
not thinning it is a mistake in my opinion. So after the first coat, I drove to the marina office to get some 2333N thinner.
I guess really, I am lucky that I can just do that....... go out and grab up what I need at a moments notice, LOL

So after thinning it around 20 percent.  The 2nd coat was MUCH better. so I also applied a 3rd to the stripe and to the repaired spots.

Someone might read this and think, how the hell did he do all the coats if you are to sand between them?!?!??!?!??
Well, I am using the foam rollers, I will take a picture of them next time in the shop. This provides a smoother coat. Also I found out thru my rep that you can apply the 2nd coat during the green stage of the first without harm. This worked well, but why not list that ability on the can?? Well, most DIY people want a good job and not being commercialized to the experience, they tend to blame the paint manufacturer for a rough job, not the guy doing the work.

I am going to wait a full 2 days and jump back on it. Tomorrow I will try to vent my garage, the stench of that stuff was so thick, you can still smell it in my clothes inside.... I guess I could have left em in the garage, but the neighbors probably wouldnt like to see a naked Jason running to go inside......... kinda raises eyebrows to say the least....

Here is what it looked like before I went out for the night....... OH! And YES I was wearing a respirator, that stuff would kill ya otherwise......

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.



What a day! Coated the boat with paint after sanding the primer with 220, and red scotch brite the lip edge so I can paint that as well which will add some protection there from water.

I coated the boat with a unthinned coat of PERFECTION to start, running nearly a full quart around the boat.
I came back and sanded it with 320, fairing out the hulls base coat.

I then ran a thinned coat of PERFECTION (roughly using a half of a quart total) and 2 foam rollers and coated the whole boat again.
This will happen 2 or 3 more times before it is left to cure out.

It literally looks like I sprayed it. It turned out so well in fact, I jumped around like a fool to "Ace Of Spades" by MotorHead while I fist pumped saying "OMG HELL YEAH!!" (in reference to the paint job......)

The thinner is 2333N by Interlux. 10% to how much I mixed. Makes a very very very thin coat, but levels out amazingly well. No sags, etc.
Ill take a pic of those roller covers next time, I forgot.... :(

Here is what it looked like before I went in for the night.

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


Wow Jason!!!  Looking gorgeous!!  I love following this thread and watching the progress.

Also, a public thanks for the advice and phone call when I first bought my C16.  And a toast to wishing you continued progress on your recovery.


Hey that looks great.  I'm looking at that job and just about to throw away all my spray guns. ;D


Wow. I want to do this with my CP19! I have everything stripped off and want to start sanding. That is really a slick job. You say the dark stuff is Primekote 404? You have pictures of it in a driveway with a black top stripe. Is that another boat?

What kind of roller do you use again?

Anyway, nice nice work. Please post whatever you can, I am sure there are a bunch that are following this in rapt amazement (as I am) thinking "hey, I can do this..."


   My 23 is on her way out to your Compac Facial Salon. Great job! I'd love to see the boat in person. I pity the fool powerboater who nudges you the first time!


 ;D Thanks guys! Much appreciated!!

Today, I rolled the last coat, or atleast I am pretty sure the last coat,  and made a video of how to paint like that.

I still have to edit it heavily, and will probably in the next week post the videos here (youtube links) for your enjoyment and learning pleasure.
I really hope they turned out well, and dont make you sick with all the moving around...... I have yet to look at em, so not sure what it turned out like.

So I will start with the lochnivar's questions:
The dark primer is Interlux 2000, it is not only sealing the bare fiberglass on the deck, but is also on the bottom of the boat. none was ever applied to the topsides (sides of the hull)
Epoxy PrimeKote 404 is White in color and extremely thick!! WOW THICK!! Thin with  2333N thinner!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!

That isnt a black top stripe, it is brown, the original GelKote scheme for the CP19. It is the same boat that is now turning Platinum colored using Interlux PERFECTION paint.  :D :D :D

The roller you will find a picture of at the bottom of this post as today I finally finally finally got a picture of it!  ;D

Saluki86: Anytime! I am glad that you are finally getting to know the boat, sailing is a lot of fun, and anytime you have a question, or just want to shoot the bull, let me know!  :D

Brackish, At work I havent used my spray gun in 2 years, I mainly roll the racing bottoms so I was really wanting to try my hand on this paint, I am glad it turned out as well as it has!

And Bob23, All the more reason to hit up a CLR! HAHAHHA    I will have to be more protective of it, especially due to the amount of work involved!

I will post a longer post later with more details when I get out in the shop tomorrow and count up my supplies. That should help others setup a rough list of what is needed to do this job.
I will be working on the videos this next couple of days, as I wont be working around the boat since it is curing. Dont want to chance any issues.

Lastly, Here is the roller I use, must be made to handle polyurethanes and harsh style chemicals. The place I bought them at (MENARDS) had 2 different ones to choose from, a yellow and a white, the white was the kind I needed.
More on that later!
Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


Looked over the boat again after work today. It looks pretty well yet, but suffered some "nubbing" again...... Had that issue in the first coat and not exactly sure why or what does that.
It isnt dirt in the paint..... and I am confused as to why the final coat has it, but the previous coats (except the first) didnt have any at all......

There is a spot that was gone over when all was done.... that was a no-no...... I should have left it alone, but my wife insisted I try to get the sag out...... which was in the previous coat....not going to fix that one........OOPS  :( :P

The transom looks perfect.....literally perfect.... and of course it has the most stuff on it to draw your eye from the imperfections it doesnt have......  ::)

Overall, I  am pleased. I think it turned out well, and frankly, not bad for a Garage  job.
I will have just enough paint to do the deck. So the topsides are officially DONE.

I have done my best and worked to be as clean as possible. Sometimes that is all you can do.

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.


3 people came by to see the progress.
I must be more critical of my work than I need to be.... Each one said it was sprayed, and my neighbor came by knowing I rolled it and insisted I sprayed it.

Feels good to get compliments already.
I am hoping to do as good a job on the deck. I will start working on it tomorrow, May 6th.

Former Harbor Master/Boat Tech, Certified in West System, Interlux, and Harken products.
Worked on ALL aspects of the sailboat, 17 years experience.
"I wanted freedom, open air and adventure. I found it on the sea."
-Alaine Gerbault.