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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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Yes I'm also have been concerned for all you eastern seaboard sailors ; please let us know hoe you kept your selves and compac's safe from the surge and surf !


THANK YOU for all your thoughts and prayers. We have escaped relatively unscathed but, as JT mentioned, the barrier island (Long Beach Island) has sustained considerable damage. I tried to go over today but the birdge is closed for 5 to 10 days. I may row over tomorrow- the Admiral is trying to talk me out of it but as I expained to my daugher: I row...therefore I am!  I have many customers over there who are anxious to hear if thier houses are still there. I hope I have good news for each of them.
   Koinoina was hauled out on Saturday at 2:00 pm.  We dropped the mast (not literally) did a quick button-up and trailered her home just missing the Admirals curfew by a half hour. Fortunaly, she was not in a court marshalling mood! The boat on her trailer weathered the storm just fine...lots of leaves on the deck and some water below, but that's par for the course.
Many thanks to Vince jr. at Long Key Marina for squeezing me into his schedule. He started hauling at 4:00 am that day and really looked beat as I paid him at about 6:00 pm as he was enjoying a well deserved Yeungling.
   My house, although only 9 miles from the Island, is about 120' above sea level... a nice place to be during a hurricane. We have 2 large maples, a blue spruce and some very tall white pines...all stayed up! Roof didn't leak, siding didn't blow off and no trees fell on cars. A few streets over, things didn't look so good as many trees are down and power is still out on the next street over.
   Little Miss Honda generator really came through! Although small at only 3500 watts, she did our house, and both neighbors on either side. She's getting a well deserved oil change and cleaning this week.
   Work is quite up in the air. We have a few projects in progress but don't know the status until after I get over there. We may be very busy mopping up after Sandy. Maybe I'll even manage to make some money!
   Well, again, thank you all...I've lived to blab another day!


Glad you, the Missus and Mistress (Koinonia) came through this OK!

Amazing how folks affected...heck it hit us here in Ohio!! No major damage though. We save that for tornados and ice storms!
"Island Time" 1998 Com-pac 19XL # 603


Well..let's see. Last week we had the hurricane of the century. Today, it's snowing. Wonder what next week will bring?

Cheers! Bob23...getting out my LL Bean boots from storage! Where are my cross country skiis?


hey - how pretty!   we don't have any snow here yet, but we may get a little in the poconos overnight.   you can start looking for your x country skis, but it will be a while before that foot is up to putting the boots on!   be careful out there on the snowy sidewalks..  jt


Here are a couple unusual accessories most of you might not have: A Compac 23 napkin holder!

And this:

Tell 'em you saw it here!


even in snow those anderson winches look great!  If the 27s didnt come with self tailers Id just tell my wife anderson was the only company still making them!!


Thanks. I'm happy a previous owner had deep pockets...the Anderson 12ST winches work great. But they are pricey- I guess all that bling comes at a price.


When is a sailboat not a sailboat? When it's the centerpiece of this years Christmas decorations!

More at the Lounge! Merry Christmas from the Bob23 family and Koinonia!


Nice Job, Bob! 

Boy, a few reindeer hooked up to the bow would look really neat........  ;)
"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42


wow,  how nice..  this is a very good reason not to have the cover on her yet!   jt


Merry Christmas to you and all who read this thread!

Koinonia looks fabulous!

Marty K.
"...when you're on your deathbed, you don't regret the things you did, you regret what you didn't do."  Randy Pausch


Well- the lights are down, the gifts are all away and the bills are starting to pour in. This can only mean one thing: Christmas is officially over! In the hub-bub of gift buying and the associated chaos, I forgot to buy my little Koinonia anything. So I made up for lost time by getting these:
Naked winch:

Well dressed winch:

Trailer sailor if I remembers right!


   Well, although I and Koinonia have been quiet as of late, rest assured that progress is being made on the official "to do" list. Some items that are moving forward: The addition of a brass double wick oil lamp to the port side of the bulkhead. On our honeymoon to Bermuda a thousand years ago, we came back with this as a gift for my father in law. He mounted it to the wall of his "man cave" although that phrase would not have been coined for 25 years. I don't think he ever lit it. It's tarnished and it'll stay that way as a memorial to a great man, husband, father, grand father and sailor.
   A previous owner had the nasty habit of installing things on this boat using super glue. Yep...your read that right- damn super glue. When ever I remove something, it takes some of the wood behind with it. This is the case of the oil lamp location. To hide the damage, I cut a piece of copper flashing I had lying around and installed it behind the globe location. It hides the yukky damaged area and doubles as a heat shield.
   A few years ago, I had purchased a Weems and Plath barometer and a clock /tide clock. Just got around to installing them next to the oil lamp. As part of my log keeping, I'll record the barometric pressure at the start and conclusion of each sail. Not that I need to but I like to play with my toys.
   Of course the usual varnishing and touch-ups are an on going project so I won't go into detail.
   I'm making a minor alteration to my mainsheet blocks. At the boom, instead of a double block, I'm changing to a fiddle block in my ongoing battle against the ever twisting main sheet. Not a big deal, but a nice addition.
   If I get around to it, I'll rebed the bow and stern rails. They don't leak so maybe I should leave well enough alone.
   I promise I'll get that dang running light working this year. It had defeated me for a long time but I'm not backing down this time. Plus, I'm gonna add an LED anchor light. My old one stopped working and takes a wierd, expensive bulb. So the switch to LED makes sense. I think they have the one I like at Duckworks.
   Hopefully she'll be going for her first swim before Memorial Day weekend. Reading about all our southern brothers who are still sailing is making me feel like a fish out of water!
   I can't post photos...the new Photobucket and my bronze age computer just don't seem to agree on anything.  A new HP is on the way!
   That's all folks!


   Work on the boat is progressing nicely. Today she got her interior vinegar washdown. Great stuff, vinegar. Removes dirt, mold even kills the weeds in your driveway and doesn't hurt the groundwater like Roundup and those kinds of products.  Here in Ocean County, NJ, it is indeed very important to consider what you put on your lawn for it invetiably ends up in the Bay.
   Installed the oil lamp today and decided to light up and enjoy the ambience. Light up the lamp, that is. I don't light up anything else anymore. I shut my work lights off and sat back. I never realized what a nice warm glow an oil lamp give. Sure beats those bright cold white LED's.
   I got my 3 coats of Cetol on the dorade box and the Flagship varnish on the grab rails is coming alone nicely. The pace is picking up for I'm trying to have her out of the driveway by this weekend. It won't be for at least 3 more weeks before she goes for her first swim of the season. I'm anxiuos to see you the bay bottom has changed from Hurricane Sandy. North of me there are cars, boats and homes still unaccounted for...there still down there somewhere. I'd rather not be the one to fine 'em! 
   Almost done with the new slideout for the 2 burner Origo stove. I never liked the original factory set-up: it didn't slide out very far. So I made a 42" slide out from old plywood and white oak flooring lying around. It'll match the chart table on the starboard side. I like doing these kinds of projects. Inexpensive ways to improve the ship and make it more livable.
   Can't wait to get on the water and start planning the Famous Barnegat Bay Bash 2013!