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went out today

Started by ssullivan, December 02, 2010, 06:43:08 PM

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Stephen, you're a lucky man to have the cruising grounds you do. Winter is just beginning and I'm already longing for warmer sailing weather. It's going to be a long wait. :(

Good luck to you and your ComPac.

'07 Legacy "Amphibian"



    i was out in the garage today putting a tach in the 52 and i have to say my cp16 looks pretty forlorne sitting there covered in ford parts and tools. gonna be a long winter for sure.
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


got back need to find my cam cord will post pics soon



I recommend that you go to the registry section and register your boat so that we can all see one more CP 16 owner in the Florida Keys.



 i went out today----it was cold----i came back in
oday 14 daysailor, chrysler musketeer cat, chrysler mutineer, com-pac 16-1 "kicknbug" renamed "audrey j", catalina capri 18 "audrey j"


I went out today also.  Cold put float coat on, furlined cap and gloves, set auto pilot ( Cajun style) went below and put pot of water on for coffee, sat in companion way and enjoyed view of mountains and large flocks of geese and other water fowl.  After 3 mile beam reach entered friends cove and picked up their hidden mooring while the motored out for visit.  Then reversed route for ride home.

Oops sorry guys, that was not on my 16 but my hummmm 22.  Oh well it was still fun.

Have to say, after a long hot windless summer this cooler weather in the south is welcome.  I'm sure next summer all you guys in the north will be out sailing while I'm trying to find some place cool.

Meanwhile warm cozy fires and hot spice rum to you all.


i went out yesterday its was cold but we didn't care, me and the boss were wrapped up like Eskimos, were out for about two and a half hours before the rain drove us in (cold and windy, we can deal but the rain is a different story).

i was trying real hard to keep the boss dry when we were going, me on the other hand, got soaked, the only problem i had was that i couldn't get through this one channel that runs between porpoise key and mayo key, theres a half mile gap between the islands but the channel snakes through the flats there. all and all a good day :)   


Yes, cold and dry =good, cold and wet=don't even think about it


it was a little warmer yesterday, winds out of the NNW at 8-15 kts, me and the admiral went out for a sail after i helped my buddy put the transmission  in his truck. wasnt as cold as last time, we did a little exploring and i kinda ran aground... i guess... the keel never hit the bottom but there was enough sea weed to stop the boat lol, soooo i had to jump in the 60 deg water to get her going again (were i was "aground" at was 3' deep so i had a foot and a half below the keel) other than that it was a fun day, besides the whole "power boaters dont know who has the right of way" thing, almost got ran over twice well not really "almost" but if i hadn't shifted course they could have.

all and all it was a good sail, hoping to get out again today, got to get all the sailing done i can before the winds die out again. happy sails!!!

and some pics
deep in thought

see i have a mainsail

crossing the channel

in my canal

chillin' on the tiller

Big Pine Key, Fl from boogie channel 

another shot of my cannal


I went out today, too. To carry in firewood! Here in NJ, sailing season is over although I plan to row the Alden Ocean Shell on New Years Day!
Hey, Stephen: Better get some sunblock on the noggin of yours!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
Yes, you do have a mainsail, but what is it from?
Thanks for the photos...keep 'em coming. Us Northern sailors subsist on these till spring!


i dont know what kind of boat its from, it came with the boat, i use a lot of block on the noggin, its about the worst place to get sun burned!!! hoping to get out again soon, it was blowing 30kts today so i couldnt head out. hopefully tomarrow


Man, I love those pictures.

Another storm headed our way. I'll be out ice fishing this weekend. Bluegill for dinner in December. That's a treat.



thanks good luck ice fishing, hope the storms don't bring that much colder weather with them