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Anchoring Out

Started by HenryC, August 29, 2014, 02:25:32 PM

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From Florida Wildlife Magazine, Sep/Oct, 2010
Keep in mind, many of these pieces were written for the
novice boater, to try to encourage them into other activities
on the water besides skiing or fishing.

When you first enter a new anchorage you’re too busy studying the area, visualizing the chart, and trying to think ahead about where you’re going to drop the hook.  Afterwards come the chores and other activities that will secure your boat for the night.  But soon you can relax and absorb the mystery and peace of the place as your boat swings around to give you the first relaxed, panoramic view of your surroundings.

The wildlife soon gets used to the  intruder and emerges, or perhaps you just notice them. An osprey dives for fish just off the boat, a cormorant dries its wings in the afternoon sun. A manatee swims slowly past while a school of mullet works along the mangroves. They no longer notice or fear you.  You have become part of the place. This is the time for a leisurely meal and quiet conversation with your crew or to cast your lure off the 'back porch'.  Or perhaps you may prefer a quick swim to cool off..  On your floating island, your house on the water, you can freely indulge in sketching, writing, photography or just read until the sun goes down. And when night comes, the stars adorn darker skies than we ever experience ashore. Afterwards comes a snug deep sleep on a gently rocking bed, a cool breeze through the ports, the drumming of a tropical shower on deck, the sound of distant pounding surf.

At anchor you're intensely aware of the weather - but safely tucked in a harbor if a sudden squall rolls by. The boat turns quickly, facing the wind, the waves lap against the hull and you hear a distant rumble of thunder and think how wonderful it is just to be there. The next morning you'll feel mixed emotions- leaving a perfect sanctuary you've enjoyed while anticipating exploring more nooks and crannies along the amazing Florida coast.  Then again, you may just stick around for another day. What’s the rush?

Florida is a paradise for boaters, with endless miles of coastline, a vast internal network of waterways and warm and sunny weather year-round.  And Florida has the support facilities, too: launch ramps, marinas and all the services that marine interests need to keep boats on the water.  It’s the perfect place for water skiing and fishing, fresh or salt water. 

But boating can mean a lot more than a sunny day afloat.  If your vessel has a place to get in out of the weather--a cuddy cabin or other below-decks accommodations, as do cabin cruisers and all but the smallest runabouts and fishermen, there can be a whole other dimension. It doesn’t take much to make even the smallest covered water craft a temporary but cozy shelter.  All that’s needed is a place to stretch out and sleep and a door to keep out the rain and a boat can become your little overnighter or weekender. You can carry aboard everything needed to spend some time away from it all with  more comfort than any camper or backpacker can bring with him.  If your boat doesn’t already come equipped with them,  a chemical toilet, a camp stove and an ice chest full of goodies will allow you some very civilized time roughing it.  Even a makeshift shower facility can be rigged up if your boat doesn’t already have one installed. And don’t forget mosquito netting if you’ll be anchored close to shore, and a tarp for shade from the sun.

The sea is a wilderness, and much of the coastline is secluded beach or marshland, or offshore islands, keys, sandbars and secluded bays and inlets.  Inland Florida is a maze of canals and rivers, lakes and reservoirs, most of them accessible to recreational water craft.  The opportunities for camping on your boat are limitless, as well as access to wildlife, fishing, diving, and solitude.   Your boat can become a home away from home, filled with all the conveniences and comforts you might find in a camper or trailer.  And you need not worry about running out of road,  you are limited by only the few feet of water needed to float your vessel.  A boat with a cabin is the ultimate recreational vehicle, and campground space is free.

The key to this freedom is your anchor, your boat came with one as a safety feature, but it also provides the ability to securely fasten your vessel to any secluded spot--indefinitely.  There’s only a few things you need to keep in mind: first and foremost, there are some places where you just can’t drop the hook and spend the night.  Common sense will tell you that you can’t anchor in channels, or other frequently traveled areas.  After all, you don’t want to get run over by another boat!  The navigational charts for your area will clearly mark areas where anchoring is forbidden for safety or security reasons.  Avoid places where submarine cables or other utility facilities might be damaged by your hook, and some areas are off-limits to protect wildlife, corals or other environmental assets.  Some waterfront neighborhoods or businesses might not be too keen about finding your boat offshore first thing in the morning, but there is plenty of empty space out there, so respect other’s property rights even if,  technically, they do not apply in your case.  In any event, if you don’t spend more than one night in any one location, chances are you won’t even be noticed.  And whether you are in a crowded harbor, or a wilderness anchorage, keep the noise down.  Your neighbors and the wildlife will appreciate it.

A boat at anchor must also fly certain signals, and if at night, display certain lights, to alert water traffic to its stationary status.   Become familiar with the nautical Rules of the Road and follow them scrupulously.  You can get a ticket or be involved in an accident if you don’t.  And while you’re at it, make sure your vessel complies with all applicable safety regulations and all required safety equipment is aboard.  Besides Man’s Law, there are considerations of seamanship.  Never anchor off an exposed coastline, where wave action can cause a boat to drag anchor and be lost.  Find a place sheltered from strong winds, currents, or heavy seas.  Also, make sure that your ground tackle is suitable. Florida bottoms are mostly sand and mud, good holding ground, but occasionally you run into thick turtle grass, coral or oyster bars. If forced to anchor in a potentially dangerous area or conditions, keep an anchor watch, even if it means your crew will have to take turns staying up all night.  Above all, in any circumstances, make absolutely certain your anchor is well dug in and secure before you turn in for the night.  If possible, snorkel down to it and look for yourself. 

A good boat is more than just a vehicle, it is shelter from the elements, a home in the wilderness.  Think of it as a camper, not a sports car.  Too many outings on the water can seem a frantic burst of activity, and what you may mostly remember after is the chore of putting in and taking out the boat.  But time slows down in the outdoors, a weekend at anchor or a few days exploring a wild coast can be thoroughly refreshing, and it will last long enough to actually do you some good.    



Anchoring Tips

Whole books have been written about the technical aspects of anchoring, but I would suggest to keep it simple and follow these rules until you gain a little experience.

    Use an anchor suitable for the type of holding ground you expect to encounter and of a weight and size appropriate for your boat.

    Use as much anchor line as possible, taking into account that your boat will swing as wind and current shift, possibly causing it to collide with obstructions or run aground.

      About 6 - 12 feet of stout steel chain should be shackled between the anchor  and  line itself, to weigh it down and protect it from chafing on rocks, coral or shell.

      Protect the line where it comes on deck from chafing and wear.  I use old garden hose cut   into 1 foot lengths and slit lengthwise to keep the line from rubbing against deck fittings.

      Your anchor line should be some synthetic that stretches, so as to absorb the pounding of    a  boat in a chop, and thicker than needed, so as to be easier on your hands.

      Use your best anchor.  If you have a backup, keep it rigged and ready to deploy in the     event you start to drag the main  hook during the night. 

      Choosing ground tackle depends to a great extent on your boat and local conditions.          Seek advice from sailors with local knowledge and read up on the subject.