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CP 16s in the Pacific Northwest

Started by davemcg3000, November 25, 2009, 09:41:31 PM

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Hello all

I recently purchased a 1979 CP16 in pretty good condition and am new to this forum. 
I know most of ya'll are on the East Coast and Great Lakes, but I'd like to know if there are any active CP 16 sailors in the PNW??  I'm in Seattle, and can't wait to get this big little boat out in the Sound! 


Hello David,

I'm new to this forum as well. I recently acquired a Legacy that I'm fitting out this winter. I'm technically in the PNW, but in the deep south you might say (Southern Oregon). My "home waters"  are the local lakes around here. A trip to the Columbia River next summer is definitely in the plans and I was dreaming of journeying to the Puget Sound sometime.

Glad to hear of another 16'er on this side of the Rockies!

'07 Legacy "Amphibian"

Glenn Basore

Welcome David,

I'm a bit south of you Sailing out of Ventura Marina, Southern California, I see a few larger Com Pacs from time to time but not trailer able Com Pac's  since Ive own my 2006 Com Pac Eclipse.

It would be nice to have a Com Pac Sail event here on the west cost where we could all get together once or twice a year !

Glenn B.


Hey Glen, I just got my approval here but have been waiting to respond to you. I am on the central coast (Paso Robles) and we have a new sailing group starting here that you might like to sail with some time , Central Coast Trailer Sailors. We have 2-Compaq 16, a comp ac 19, a comp ac 23, and a picknick cat in the club's well as a few potters ant others, As well I would like to do some more sailing down your way. Fair winds, Darrel

Glenn Basore


Really sounds good to me...........

My mother in -law lives in Paso and we will be there the 23 of Dec. for a couple of days, may be we could meet for coffee and talk.

Whats lakes are you sailing at ?

send me an e-mail   home  work

Glenn B.


Hi and welcome aboard. I sail my CP-23 in Utah. I have a Valiant up in Bellingham. If I ever move there (a possibility) I am bringing "Class Act" with me. in the meantime, feel free to come down to the Great Salt Lake anytime.


Hello David
I recently bought a 1980 CP 16. We live in NW Oregon and plan to sail her in the Puget Sound and local lakes. How many Compac sailors are from the NW. ?  I don't have any dates set up yet, but maybe could get together for a day of sailing. Have you explored the South Sound?  There is some great sailing areas there and usually don't see the crouds that you do farther north.