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How did you name your boat?

Started by ramble on, December 25, 2006, 09:03:06 AM

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ramble on

What layers of meaning in the name Koinonia! I remember it meaning "fellowship". And here you have that with family, friends and the Lord IN YOUR SHIP! I have had both gentle times aboard and times that energized my prayer life. Sailing is plain good for the soul.


   Truer words were never spoken! I think there's a spiritual value in being made to go slow, powered only by the wind, current and ability. No matter how fast I'd like to be going, I'm limited by things much bigger than I and I think that's healthy to be reminded of from time to time.   
   Sometimes I'm asked why I don't fish while I'm sailing. First, I don't fish. Nothing against it- I just don't fish. Second, I want to concentrate on the experience of sailing and all that comes with it. With nothing to distract me, Jesus and I have had our best conversations out on the water.
   Ok, gotta go make the morning coffee, another gift from God!!!!


Amen, brotha!!

I believe He especially blessed Seattle's Best!!  :D

Paul  (Coffee Hound)


Choosing a name is difficult whether it be for a dog, a child, a weblog or a boat. We want to choose a name that is appropriate and meaningful. I have thought about not naming our boat, but everyone seems to think that is just somehow wrong. After giving it some thought I settled on the name 'ARose' for our boat for three reasons.

First, I wanted something to honor God so it couldn't be anything vulgar. The name 'ARose' honors God and reminds me that the most important event in the history of the world was when Jesus Christ arose to prove his defeat of sin, death and the grave as a gift for all of mankind who would receive him.

Second, my wife's first initial is A and her middle name is Rose. She is the most important person in the world to me and it is always good to show honor and love toward the wife.

Finally, when we really boil it all down, William Shakespeare had it right in the play Romeo and Juliet when he wrote "What's in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet" (Romeo and Juliet act II, sc. ii). The point being, it really doesn't matter what you call it, what really matters is what it is, to you.

What's in a name? That is really up to you. So, don't worry so much about the name, get out there and sail. This boat by any other name would sail as sweet.



Hi Guys,
I know I'm jumping in here a little late, but we just got back from our annual month to cooler climates... for the last three years we (wife, daughter, and I) have escaped New Orlean's sweltering summers by going to the Northernmost coast of California.  We get to wear jackets every day, sit on rugged coast and watch waves, and walk amongst the Redwood trees... one of the most spiritual experiences you can have.  It's truly like being in God's cathedral.

When I got my boat in '04, it didn't have a name, so I was freed from the bonds of renaming superstition and ritual.

Many (many many) years ago, I used to play lead guitar for a group that did 50s music (Vince Vance and the Valiants).  I used to do the Chuck Berry numbers, so it seemed to fit with the nature of the boat and its size to name it "Sweet Little 16".  It seems to work... she is a sweet little boat.  (1988 CP 16 III)