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Posting Pictures?

Started by Glenn Basore, December 04, 2012, 04:02:03 PM

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Glenn Basore

Hi all,

I know this has been gone over and over before but I just cant seem to understand this stuff. (too much grey matter between these old ears)

I don't understand how to post pictures here on this site ?

also, Is photobucket the same thing for this forum or is a different link?

Can some one please give me a simple step by step on how to post here on Com Pac forum

or even email it to me so I don't have bother all of you with this redundant stuff.

Glenn B.


I would be happy to work you through it.  I'll send you an email.
"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42

Glenn Basore

Thanks Eagleye and Skip,

I will try the step by step instructions I got  and if I cant do it i will give you a call.

Thanks again,



Hi Glenn or Allen:

Would you be kind enough to send me the same instructions for posting pictures please?




Give this a try.  No guarantees because of the new format that Photobucket has now and there may be other ways, but this has been working for me.

First thing is, do you have a Photobucket account?  

You need to set one up and post your pictures to the Photobucket site first.  

Once the photo is on the site you can retrieve the IMG code and past it into your post.

Copy the IMG code to your clipboard then past it into your post where you would like it.

An IMG code looks something like this.

[IMG]http: /]

(I had to take out some brackets so it wouldn't retrieve the pic here.)

I like to create most of my posts in my Word editor because the post thingy on the site is clunky.  It jumps around and is difficult to work in sometimes. It may be my old computer. The spell check in Word works better for me too.  When I am done writing it in word and have all my IMG codes where I want them I just copy the whole thing and paste it into the post editor on the site

I then view the post and make any final corrections before I hit the post button.

Good Luck,
"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42


Would you send me a copy of that email PLS?
Ron Blais


Thanks Allen.

It works.



New to forum..please forward info. Also thanks

william suggs

Hi I am also new to this and would like your e-mail. my email is thanks a bunch


This ain't rocket science, but it's close.
Start your computer.
Wait for the 'search' box to pop up in what ever search engine you use. MSN, Goggle, Ask, Yahoo, Go Daddy, does not matter.

Here is how I did it years ago.

When you can type in the word 'Goggle' into the search box from any of the above search engines or ones you use.

When Goggle opens type in 'Photobucket' in the Goggle search box. I use Goggle only because it has less advertisements.

When Photobucket opens up find and click on 'Log in, Sign In' . Might look like this. Your looking to create an account.

Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket

Photobucket offers image hosting, free photo sharing and video sharing. Upload your photos, host your videos, and share them with friends and family.
Sign in
Photos Videos Users. Sign up ... Sign up...Register now! It's free to join ...
The most recent View and Share the most recent pictures, images & photos on ...
Mobile Android - iPhone - Upload via email - Blackberry - ...
Register for free at ...Photobucket offers image hosting, free photo sharing and video ...
Find Stuff Find the most popular Photobucket pictures, videos and groups for ...
Photobucket Apps | Editor
and bla, bla, bla, bla,..

OK you have created a user name [for my photobucket my user name is 1930fordroadster] and a pass word, which I have long ago forgot and so I use facebook to sign in to Photobucket. It works I don't know why. Anyway now you have your very own Photobucket account. Congratulations.

I posted this for 'high tide is up'. We know her as Dawn. It's your next steps.
-->Up loading pics here is a joy that should not be missed. "So don't miss it if you can".<--
1~Get a Photobucket account or any other off site picture storage site. Scan from your printer and up load to a Photobucket album.
2~Along side or under all pics when selected in Photobucket album or albums are pop up 'codes'.
2~a. These are-->Email & IM, Direct Link, HTML code, HTML thumb code, IMG code, IMG thumb code.<--
3~Highlite and copy the Direct link. Now on the top of every CPYOA post are colorful icons above the smiley faces.
4~Second from right, going left to right, click on the 'Beach-Trees-Sky' looking icon.
4~a. It will say 'Insert Image' and it will be above smile's Wink and Cheesy.
5~When the icon is clicked on, a img img with [ ] around each will appear at the last place you put your cursor on the post.
5~a. You can put the courser anywhere you want to put the picture in your post before you click on this icon.
6~Take that DIRECT copied code and park your cursor between the [  img  ]  *  [  img  ] and right click paste it where the * is shown here. Aim carefully.
7~The Direct link code for your picture will be shown and when you click on save the picture will be posted along with your post.
8~If the picture is a box with a red X or in the wrong spot on the post click on 'Modify' and you can cypher around till it's right.
9~Multiple pictures can be added, with or without spaces between them and text above or below the pics can be added. Just keep modifying.
10~I do a lot of spell checks using [ ieSpell by Red apple ... down load it]. and modifying, saving, modifying, get it just so.

Good luck skip.  

Tim Gardner

Thanks Skip! I gues it's time to re-invent the photobucket How TO again.

Never Be Afraid to Try Something New, Remember Amateurs Built the Ark.  Professionals Built the Titanic (update) and the Titan Submersible.


What is the reason we can't run a website that allows pics to be posted inline?  Most of these forum packages allow for this.  You can put constraints on the photo size and even enable auto-resizing.  I run other boards for other groups and it isn't an issue.  Having to have people load pics onto other sites and crosslink is a terrible solution.

How do we fix this permanently?
CP 27/2 - #169 - Sagacity - Peoria Heights, IL

Tom L.

I whole heatedly agree. Tooooo complicated therefore I never post pictures. I am sure others are doing the same. Plus I refuse to link to another site. In my opinion it is too risky to be constantly putting all your info out there.

Why can't the web site work it out?

Tom L.
Present boat, Menger 19 "Wild Cat"    O'Day 25, Montego 25, Catalina 30, Tartan 37, Catalina 380, Mariner 19, Potter 19, Sun Cat


I will try to address this as one of thes Admins and I think you'll see why this feature just isn't there yet.

It comes down to cost and some technical expertise.

It's easy to think that web sites are cheap to run and adding a simple thing like picture uploads should be a given. After all, there is a website for just about anything you can think of, and you're right on a lot of forums you can upload pics right from your computer. It makes it a lot easier to upload, no doubt.

Most websites are paid for by selling a product, and often forum sites on a hobby/interest/lifestyle will indeed sell a product or be associated with a commercial interest. Or more often, they may not sell a product, but your "free membership: is in exchange with being blasted with ads and having your email address sold to spammers.  

Other websites like this one that are not selling a product, not associated with the manufacturer, members can enjoy no advertising, (which is an income stream), no membership fees, and no selling of users email addresses. You won't start getting mail from magazine offers or West Marine mail if you join this site.  And, we make darn sure that spammers are kept OUT of here.   These things cannot be said of most internet forums these days, I think all would agree. From the security perspective, you are safer here than most other sites.

Internet access bandwidth, hard drive space, servers, software, and several pieces of network equipmentcosts a lot of money. The forum software is at least free.   Costs are both large upfront chunks and a monthly cost. And to be available 24x7x365 and perform well, the equipment should be located in a real data center, not out of your house. And maybe have an offsite copy of the site data, replicating often so we don't loose data should a crash occur. And don't forget about maintenance costs and insurance...if something breaks you need a backup plan.

The point is, it's pretty expensive to run websites. VERY expensive.  Without income streams, costs skyrocket as more bandwidth is consumed, more hard drive space needed, more processing power needed. More cooling. More extremely expensive per sq. ft. space in a data center.   These add up extremely quickly.

Our text posts hardly take any bandwidth at all.  We can post as much as we want, and costs aren't going to change much if at all simply because it's very small amounts of data.  Pictures need way more resources coming into the site from you, then going out again, each and every time pictures are pulled up.  Just one of my DSLR pics can run into 13Mb each and the iPhone takes 4.5Mb pictures. Sending that amount, or even a fraction of that amount resized from the website to you-all of you, chews up bandwidth fast.   In fact, these costs can be so high--say on a merchants' website with a lot of pictures, music or video..iTunes, Netflicks, Facebook, etc...the pictures aren't even stored by the merchant.  Content Delivery Network providers store them around the world so the huge amount of bandwidth doesn't have to go back to their server, and a very large server can then handle many, many merchants so economies of scale can be taken advantage of.  It's simply cheaper and faster, so why wouldn't they do it?  

A lot of websites tend to share each others equipment and bandwidth; software these days let's you run dozens of websites with multiple copies of an operating system (doing different things) running on the same server.  It will literally blow your mind what happens inside of a black box that is 21"W X 24" D X 10" H. A very expensive block box mind you.  Same thing happening here.  The site owner runs other sites from the same "stuff" is an example. Another no cost, no advertisement, no spam site.  He's getting paid $0, tends to refuse donation, incurs all the costs, and doesn't plan to start making this site a giant advertisement for West Marine.  I can't think of anyone that would be willing to put out so much cost without any return, I certainly would not want to write the big checks to the data center, internet provider, maintenance and insurance each month without getting something from it.  But that is the case here, and we have Capt K to wholeheartedly thank for this generous service he is providing to our community.  

With the pictures how they work today, all the bandwidth and resources needed to delivery these pictures to you are coming from another website, not CPYOA.  They incur the cost.

So I say we have it really good here without all the annoying ads all over the place and no spam to pay for the extra costs of uploading pics, and yes I do wish it was easier, but I really think people blow it out of proportion too. In everyone's defense, it is harder to do but  gets much easier once you do it once or twice.  I can upload pictures right from iPhone on the photo bucket app. Then I can just open it there, click on the link for the IMG code and paste it into a post. You can build libraries to keep the type of pictures better orgaized  Or I can upload them from my computer.  And, I can pull up these pictures on any computer to show family/friends, or from any tablet or smartphone.  Another benefit is these pictures are in one those expensive server/data centers, so if I happen to loose all my pictures and backup copies (say, a fire, lightening bolt, stupidity), they are still out on photo bucket.  It's a free backup to your most valuable pictures.

Could we turn the ability to upload pics directly here?  Yes, probably, I'm sure it could be figured out from the technical perspective.  

Internet security is not a reality anymore. Your real secure info is already out there with the banks, insurance companies, government, healthcare, etc.  I use life lock..that's an absolute must have, IMO.  And never post anything private out there (our name and email isn't really private anymore) or give any information out to anyone over the internet, phone, etc.

My vote is to learn how to do it.    I'm telling you, it's not that bad.

I will shameless steal an excerpt fron rbrh1515 for quick and easy instructions: (except I changed downloaded to uploaded)

"Go to Photobucket and set up an account.
Click on can upload from Computer, Facebook or URL.  My photos are on my computer.  Click "choose photos and videos"  Choose the file your photo is in, click the photo and it will upload.  Once it is upload, the photo shows up on the lower part of the page.  Click on it.  Then you see the photo and to the right click in the box to the right next to IMG ("Copied" shows up in the box).  This will copy the link.  You can now go to CPYOA, start a reply, and paste the link (easiest way is to click "control v").  The photo should show up in your post and you are good to go.

The directions I posted were for a PC.  The only difference for an iMac is the last part when you paste the link.  Instead of "control v" click "command v" on the iMac.  It really is a pretty easy process using photobucket.  I had not used photobucket until a few months ago, and just kind of stumbled my way through it.  If you are an "old guy", you can always get grand kids to help you.  I was new to the iMac about a year ago and my 18 year old daughter was the expert that showed me the ropes.

I am available to help if anyone needs it. Just click on my name to see my email address, email me with your phone and best time to call and I'll call you to help.
"Island Time" 1998 Com-pac 19XL # 603