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Started by Bob23, June 05, 2010, 05:20:26 AM

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   Frogmore stew and bourbon...sounds like a winner. Cooking for me aboard is always a challenge because cooking in general is always a challenge. I do, however prepare a killer peanut butter and jelly sandwich...if I remember the bread!
   Hey, Gator: Look forward to meeting you. I'll be in the CP 23 with the large American flag flying from the masthead. I'll also have a Walker Bay dingy trailing behind. Weather permitting, I'll be around most or all of the day hurry to return to reality!

Capn Bill

Hello fellow Sailors,

Was looking for info on Tices Shoal and I came across your Association's page. I was thinking of sailing up to Tices Shoal  on Saturday 7/24, dropping the hook and heading over to the beach.

Any suggestions for anchoring for the day? I have both a CQR and a Danforth. Looking at the chart it seems that the bottom there is mud and sand. This will be the first time leaving the boat by itself, and it is a little intimidating.

I guess there is no need to overthink this though.

What can anyone tell me about Tices Shoal that I need to know before Saturday?

By the way please don't hold it against me, but I am a Catalina owner.

Thanks in advance,

Capn Bill


Hi Cap'n Bill,
   No apologies necessary for sailing a Catalina- they put together a lot of very fine boats. As to Tices...........just look in the general direction of the place on any given weekend, and you will see a white wall of mostly powerboats. Navigating there is easy by aiming for the wall!!  This weekend will be particularly crowded due, not only to the few Compacters arriving for the RonDayVoo, but also a huge and riotous crowd attending the annual country music fest. Anchoring space with any swinging room will be at a premium. If you have a dinghy, you can anchor a little further from the shore and row/motor over to the boardwalk to the beach. Bob23 says he will be a bit south of the crowd in about five feet of water, so we are heading for his position. I have found the bottom close-in to be fairly smooth and compacted sand and a Danforth has held best in those waters. You can not usually put out much scope, so I generally use a good length of chain and even dive on the anchor to force it in a bit. Further off the shore, you get more of the famous Barnegat muck bottom and the Danforth or CQR generally gets a good bite. Feel free to join up with our crowd, but realize, that as a non Compac sailor, Bob said that you have to supply all the food and at least one bottle of premium bourbon- preferably Booker's and a lot of ice!! If that appears impossible to do, hell, c'mon over anyway and introduce yourself!!  See y'all FR & SAT.
s/v beagle II
Errabundi Saepe, Semper Certi
CP-16 Beagle 4 (sold)
CP-19 Athena (sold)
CP-19 Beagle (sold)
CP-27 Afternoon Beagle (sold)
CP-23 Beagle 3  (sold)
Ranger Tug "SisterShip" (sold)
Simmons Sea Skiff 1951 "Rebecca Ann"
Herreshoff America  (the original Horizon!)   (sold)
Arch Davis Wooden Gaff Rigged Dinghy
Windrider 16   2015 (sold)

Capn Bill

Thanks for the info. I will probably anchor a little farther out in 4 or 5 feet and take the dink in. Looks like the Danforth will get the job of standing watch while we are gone.
Since there will be lots of comotion (not from the Com-Pac Group) will it be difficult getting to the boardwalk area?
I just don't know what to expect, can one just beach the dink close to the boardwalk, or must you beach someways away and walk?
By the way, I didn't see anywhere where bob23 suggested I bring All the food/drinks and ice. Looks like someone is spreading rumors.

And thanks to the group for making me a Swabie, makes me feel like I am right at home with the admiral.

Capn Bill
sv Loose Ends


Hi Capn Bill:
   Yes, it is a well known unwritten rule of the waters that all non Compac-ers must cater to all Compac-ers by supplying the aforementioned goodies. Also, we must be told repeatedly how beautiful our boats are and mention must be made as to the humbleness of our character. Or is it that we are bumbling characters...I forget just now.
    I anchor just south of the large congregation of yahoos and there is a nice path to the ocean beach but no stairs or deck. I just pull my dink up on the beach- never had a problem with anyone messing with it. Also never had a problem with anchoring even one fall when we spent a night in 20 knot winds. Not much sleep that night!
   It will be great to meet you...c'mon over.

Capn Bill


The access to the beach you are refering to, do you have GPS coordinates for it? Would you say it is better that the boardwalk/steps that I have heard of?

I hope the weather is nice

Capn Bill

sv Loose Ends


Sounds like it will be a great time, wish I could be there but not to be.  I will, however, expect a full report with pictures and I think I speak for the rest of the Compac family, who might be geographically challenged to attend, with that demand.

Do not put Bob23 in charge of posting the pictures.  It is well known that he has a blind spot with regard to the procedure for doing that.  His talents might more appropriately be directed toward developing the narrative for the event since the rest of us are more interested in the entertainment value of the story rather than the whole truth.


Hey Cap'n Bill,
  If you are heading for the beach with your dinghy, there is plenty of room to put it on the bay side by the boardwalk. Just tie it to a tree and no one will bother it. Most people who drop anchor by the "formal" boardwalk don't even dinghy in- they jump in and walk to the deck and boardwalk. Or, as Bob23 mentioned, there is a path south of the boardwalk- just anchor with the Compac yahoos and you'll have no problem finding the correct path. We will be south of the predominant seaside ghetto. I am thinking of towing our kayaks to use as dinghys on this trip. As to Bob providing pictures..............forget it. He's plumb out of flash powder!
peterg and Becky
Errabundi Saepe, Semper Certi
CP-16 Beagle 4 (sold)
CP-19 Athena (sold)
CP-19 Beagle (sold)
CP-27 Afternoon Beagle (sold)
CP-23 Beagle 3  (sold)
Ranger Tug "SisterShip" (sold)
Simmons Sea Skiff 1951 "Rebecca Ann"
Herreshoff America  (the original Horizon!)   (sold)
Arch Davis Wooden Gaff Rigged Dinghy
Windrider 16   2015 (sold)


Capn Bill:
   39 degrees 49.660' N   
074 degrees 05.759' W
   Or somewhere thereabouts.
As for the rest of you guys: "Why, I oughta!"
I'll try to write up a narrative complete with an ample supply of lies, exagerations, and general bs. You know, my basic style.

Capn Bill

Thanks for the coordinates.

FYI the barge with the band (Thunder on the Bay) is planning on anchoring 500' South of the Boardwalk in 4' of Water.I got this info from one of the organizers of the event yesterday. I don't know if that will be intruding on your quiet anchorage for the RONDAYVOO 2010.

I think my crew is planning a mutiny for this weekend, seems there has been some chatter of the Captains decision to sail in 100 deg temps. There is a possibility that Loose Ends will not make it to TIces for the "Adventure of a lifetime" as I have been selling to my crew.

Thanks for being so kind to a Catalina Sailor

BY the way I sail out of Mariners in Barnegat, how about the rest of you?

Capn Bill


   We'll still be south of them and the forecast SE wind will help keep things a bit quieter. Hope youi can make's a short hop from Mariners. I'm moored in Surf City so it'll be about 3 hours of sailing to get there.
   100 degree weather is hot...the cold beer will taste even better!
   Watch out for Peterg...sure, he seems nice now but he just wants to lure you over to Tice's so he can taunt you about your Catalina! He's the meanest guy I know!!! Yeah, right. Hope you can make it- I'll relate a great (and true) sailing adventure he, his wife Becky and myself had last summer.


Is everyone still recuperating from this event?  How did it go?  Who all was there?

There has to be some stories......or is it like......Whatever happens at Tice's Shoal stays at Tice's Shoal?

Blog Site:

"Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit."
-Brooks Atkinson


I plan on writing up a proper account of the festivities but have been a bit busy just now. Suffice to say, at the end of the event there was upwards of 200-300 boats in attendance. Sort of...
More soon!


In truth, Bob, the local paper had pictures and listed the number of boats attending as in the vicinity of nine-hundred. This was such a huge event, that I am suggesting that we do it again in the Fall when it is not over a hundred degrees!!
Errabundi Saepe, Semper Certi
CP-16 Beagle 4 (sold)
CP-19 Athena (sold)
CP-19 Beagle (sold)
CP-27 Afternoon Beagle (sold)
CP-23 Beagle 3  (sold)
Ranger Tug "SisterShip" (sold)
Simmons Sea Skiff 1951 "Rebecca Ann"
Herreshoff America  (the original Horizon!)   (sold)
Arch Davis Wooden Gaff Rigged Dinghy
Windrider 16   2015 (sold)


NINE HUNDRED BOATS! And to think that they all came to see us! How apropos. I left early Saturday morning with a bit of heat exhaustion. Didn't get much sleep due to the man interviews.
More later,