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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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Bob23, I have to agree about familiar waters getting strange in fog!  I made an inadvertant detour on a trip to Canada once when a thick haze rolled in.  I really didn't intend to go to Middle Island, but I did.  Just a little detour, and the haze lifted once the wind came back. 


   You may remember that upon completion of my foiled wood blade, I may have made mention of ways to protect it from the UV rays. There is no varnish on the rudder, only clear epoxy and that has no UV resistance. I probably will make a small bag for it to protect it from the sun when the boat is moored but aside from that, it's gonna be exposure to the elements.
   I feel this is a test platform for the next wood foiled blades that I'll build hopefully next winter.
My plan is to sail this thing and not baby it like I'd be tempted to. Remember this cost me a lot of time and $$ so my tendency would be to protect it. Well, time to grow up, rudder and earn your keep. So far, the performance is pretty good although I feel in making it a bit bigger than originally planned, I've created a rudder with more wetted area than I wanted to. This, I feel, detracts from perfomance a bit. That being said, the boat points higher, goes faster  and also motors straighter than ever.
   If there is anyone out there willing to sell (or even better, donate) thier unused stock aluminum plate rudder, I'd be more than happy to take it off you hands.



To make a long story longer, I steered to home port under instruments alone, carefully watching the moving chart and keeping her in the channel.

Way to go with that instrument rating.  I too had cause to sing the praises of my SH 180i with up to date chartplotter software.  No fog, perfect visibility but on the B.E.E.R cruise last week, single handling, I had to make a number of approaches to the various anchorages.  Each anchorage in the Santa Rosa sound  had a few deep spots close to shore interspersed with a lot of shoals and bars less than 2'.  I asked the other BEER cruisers about the approaches and got answers like just head for the water tower, etc., but many of these folks had WB boats that drew about 10".  With the chartplotter, I just eased in around the skinny water.  There is no doubt in my mind that without it I would have been calling for help to push off the sand a bars on a regular basis. 

Arion is now a "salt".  More on the cruise later.


   I look forward to hearing your account of the BEER cruise. A CP 23 is quite a deep draft boat for that event. I have not attended personally but back when I subscribed to Small Craft Advisor, I read about it...sounds great.


Bob, I saw your request for a rudder blade. Heck, with all that artistic talent you got, why don't you make one from scratch? I bet you could make one from fiberglass with a pipe in front, or even a pipe with some metal wands welded off it and incase the whole thing in fiberglass....


Hmmm...Newt- you might have just jump started my grey matter, no easy feat I can say. If I could find a rudder head that had a 3/4" space, I'd make the entire thing of wood. 3/4" marine ply is incredibly strong. Then I could move more of the body forward, make the whole thing narrower than mine came out and further reduce weather helm.
    I touched bottom with the new rudder for the first time on Saturday with no damage. That is encouraging. I was able to tack up a rather narrow channel, into an oncoming tide and never missed a tack. I couldn't do that with the old blade; the boat sometimes would stall. Considering the expertise of her skipper, the new rudder is performing wonderfully.
    I guess I should name this new rudder...anyone have any ideas? Boy, I just realized what I just opened myself up to with that offer!


I will be watching this- I would like a rudder blade shorter, more streamlined and one that balances the boat just right....
Sounds like you are on the right path grasshopper..:)


   Thank you, Miyagi.  It's been a while since I heard any references to Kung-fu. You are dating yourself, Newt. What's next- references to "The Avengers"? Weren't we all in love with Emma Peale?
   I don't know about your rudder, but mine is now almost 10 inches longer than the keel. Comes in handy now that my depth sounder has bit the dust. I'm too cheap to replace it so I'm gonna fly blind this summer.
  Man, I just gotta learn how to post photos. What a procrastinator I am!!


Quote from: Bob23 on June 14, 2010, 05:51:25 PM
 Man, I just gotta learn how to post photos. What a procrastinator I am!!

Hey Bob - If you just add this quote to your forum profile you won't have to keep typing it EVERY time.

'84 CP-16 (sold) - '88 CP-19II (sold) - '88 Com-Pac 23/3 (sold)

"I'm just one bad decision away from a really good time."


It's nice to know I'm not the only SA around here. But to quote the famous Goldie Wilson from Back to the Future: "Now, that's a good idea."
Bob23- back in time.


Emma was much to good looking to be running around with that hack in the tophat. If she had come to my house- well we would have taken her out for a soda and doughnut or something. BTW-
My name is Mark and I work for U.N.C.L.E. (or so I wrote on all my second grade papers)


   Your'e not gonna believe this: I did the exact same thing. I don't remember if it was second grade but I do remember writing that on my papers. I'm sure I drove my teachers crazy. 
   Good thing TV was somewhat wholesome back then considering the impact it apparently had on us.  And who can forget "I Spy"?


LOL thats funny. Things were alot more innocent back then (sigh)...


Rudder update:
   Well, as most of you guys know, Koinonia recieved her new rudder this year and it continues to amaze me. As you 23 ers know, they don't really perform well with just the main up but yesterday I took my daugher and her dog out in 15-18 knts wind. 20 knt gusts. Seeing how this was the dogs first sail and not knowing if he would freak out, I didn't want anything extra to do so intially we just raised the main.
   With the old blade, coming about under main alone was just about impossible. She's stall almost everytime. Yeah, the main is a bit blown out (original 1985). But every tack I took yesterday was effortless and successful. And...I'd forgotten to raise the outboard. So this rudder is a complete success and it looks great, seeing a foiled mahogany blade sitting back there. Koinonia deserves no less.


Bob,  really glad this is working out for you.    I was really dissapointed in the boat (CP16) before the foiled rudder and new sails.    Which is why I commented that all Com-pacs should have them--easily the best modification you can make to the boat.

Are you loose footed yet?  The mainsail, I mean :)

On this same note, since the helm effort is now considerably less (dare I say VERY EASY?), my brother made both of us nice walnut tillers that are 33" long, about 11" shorter than standard.  Just need to make a cover for it.  When done, I'll install and post the results. I'll put a Forespar TFP adaptor on it for an extension when needed.  He's already installed his and loves it.  Both of us have the IDA full assembly w/ kickup and kickdown naca 0012 foils.  Should make tacking with a full crewed boat easier, and moving from side to side when single handling a breeze. The only downfall I predict is holding the tiller while raising the sail.  Generally I use both hands on the halyard and my knee or leg on the tiller when single handing.  This will be a little tougher to do, but probably not that big a deal.

"Island Time" 1998 Com-pac 19XL # 603