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The continuing adventures of Koinonia

Started by Bob23, October 14, 2009, 09:22:47 PM

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Bob- I do an occasional dive, and my neighbor is a divemaster. If I was there- I would get on my trusty dry suit and get it for you! Is there a closeby diver that could do it cheaper (counting airfare?) I bet it would only be 20-40 bucks and would save a lot in the frustration dept.


Good point. I don't know any divers but if the water was warmer, I'd snorkel down thar meself. Before I read your post, my idea was to comb the area with a giant magnet. Goes like this: Anchor the dingy from the side, hoist the magnet over the stern and slowly row. Pull the anchor line in a foot or so and repeat. Sounds easy, doesn't it? If I give it another attempt, you guys will be the first to know. HEY, WAIT A MINUTE: I have a 28 year old son who surfs in the winter, is in incredible shape and has a killer wetsuit. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" to make a Dark and Stormy.


Tell him "I've got an incredible challenge for you" and follow up with "How would you figure this one out?" Yeah, thats the ticket!


Good reason to mark the mooring with a GPS as a waypoint.    Next time...
"Island Time" 1998 Com-pac 19XL # 603


  Before I had my GPS, I lined up my mooring with a skylight on a house and a piling in one direction, and a telephone pole and air conditioner in another. Both houses were renovated recently! When I find it, a waypoint it will recieve.
  Meanwhile, my son is onto my tricks. He'd never fall for either of those lines but will agree to help me because he wants to. Or so I assume. I'll let you know. For now, it's rain and snow in the forecast so the mooring chain can continue to sleep on the bottom.
(ps 2/24 update: Man, more snow in the forecast? 6 to 12 inches? Is this someones sick idea of a joke? I was hoping to row this weekend but, instead looks like I'll spend some time reading whist tending the old woodstove and concocting new ways to drink Pusser's Rum. While dreaming of sailing. And shoveling more snow! Looks like a busy weekend.)


   ***EUREKA! I FOUND IT!***
   Upon arriving at one of my bayfront jobsites yesterday, I noticed an abnormally low tide, clear water and light winds. Good mooring chain finding weather. I grabbed the dingy with custom garden rake extendo, and rowed out determined not to fail.
   Not being the most patient person, after 45 minutes I began to get agitated, sorta like when you're stuck behind someone driving45 mph in the left lane of the interstate. Then I found it...managed to hook it with the rake, took some cross bearings and began to pull only to discover that I hooked it too low and couldn't bring it aboard. Curses...foiled again!
   Dropping the elusive rascal, at least now I knew exactly where it was but having stirred up the water, it was now a little murky. I had to work by the braille method only.
   Still undaunted, I continued but that old agitation began to step in again. Finally, I decided to give it one more sweep and enlisted the help and knowledge from Above. (I do concede to not knowing everything). Finally, again I snagged it, began to pull and, voila!, there it was in all it's slimy glory, gracing the floor if the dingy. Attaching the float with a triple some-kinda-knot, and some zip ties, I bid it farewell till spring as it sunk to the miry depths of the Manahawkin Bay.
   Soon I'll be deploring the mooring balls and associated tackle and all will be right with the world. At least, this small part of it!


Quote from: Bob23 on January 22, 2010, 09:42:35 PM

I began wondering how long would it take to trailer her from NJ to Mexico. If time and resources allowed, it could be done.


It might be easier to sail from NJ to FLorida and then the Bahamas or the Caribbean.

Stops in Cape May, Delmarva on the inside.  Then the inside route along the ICW or if you can deal with multiday sails, the outside route.  Outside route might be a bit risky in a CP23 with the unpredictable NC weather.  You'd need to be real careful about picking a weather window on the outside.  OTOH - no drawbridges.  It should be possible with some time and patience to hop along the coast.

Getting there *is* the fun.  Nice dream anyway.  I hope at least one of us gets to do it.

Remote Access  CP23/3 #629
Orleans (Cape Cod) MA


Congratulations!!!!!  I know you're happy about that!
1978 AMF Sunfish, Sold, 1978 CP16 #592, "Sprite" - Catalina 22 "Joyce Marie"


THRILLED!! So thrilled in fact, that I'm declaring it spring here at the Bob23 household. This week, I'll install the auger mooring for the dingy, bottom paint it, and put her it! When you have water-withdrawal, even a row in a plastic Walker Bay 8 provides some temporary relief!


Boy you shake off the winter blah's in a big way!  The drag of it here is, I had the Admiral talked into going with me this Saturday to put the boat in for the first real sail of the year.  It was supposed to be sunny, mid 60's and breezy.  Then the forcast changed and it went to thunderstorms, temps mid 50's, and 18 - 22 mph winds.  The winds I could do but don't want to take the Admiral out for her first sail ever in that!  Ah well, another day............
1978 AMF Sunfish, Sold, 1978 CP16 #592, "Sprite" - Catalina 22 "Joyce Marie"


Good call, Cap't. It's funny how women don't like sailing in thunderstorms. Maybe they know something we don't? At least your Admiral will go sailing with you. Mine just barks out orders all the time! jk.


   The Koinonia rudder project is coming along. Somehow, a few highly classified photos were leaked to a few of the Compac-ers here and someone had the audacity to post one here at the site. No names, please.
   I played hooky from church today a put on a coat of epoxy (207 hardener) on each side and it's looking pretty nice. I may apply a second coat this week. The West System is performing just as they said it would. That's the good news.
   The bad news is that while reading the West System user manual, I learned that epoxy takes about 2 weeks to cure fully. That's right folks, 2 weeks. That means I cannot start applying varnish for at least 2 weeks. At this rate, I won't be in until Memorial Day weekend. The good news is that I have 2 more weeks to finish up the other projects I started. I removed the sink (too small anyway) and am building a pull out chart table where the pull out sink was. Under the chart table will be another slide out extension which should provide a comfy reading station.
   That's about it for now...she's itching to get in the water.



Launch date is set: May 22nd in the year of our Lord 2010 at 1300 hrs.  Jim at Townsends Marina in Forked River, NJ is the one I've been trusting "Koinonia" to since I bought her, or should I say, since she bought me in 2005. If weather permits, It'll be a direct sail to Surf City, home port or if weather does not cooperate- a temporary slip at Long Key Marina, Waretown, NJ. Stay tuned for the latest updates on the launch and also the alleged rudder project.
Good day!


   I managed to get out on the water in our Force 5 named "Linda Gale" after my wife Linda Gail. It felt good to get out sailing and the weather here in NJ was warm, with warm,clear water. I'm still on schedule for a Saturday launch of the intrepid "Koinonia" so hopefully this summer will see more days sailing the fine yacht that I am priviledged to own.
   Being self-employed in the construction business, things tend to get a bit stressful these days. There is nothing quite like some time on the water to cleanse one's soul. It seems to help me keep things in persepective.