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Reefing the main, again with the questions.

Started by Vectordirector, March 12, 2015, 05:06:45 PM

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Hey guys,

After the rudder replacement Arthur and I have sailed twice in "stronger" winds than I have ever tried before.  We decided to reef the main and see how it worked.  Sometime after I arrived in Florida, I noticed the black line coming out of the front of the boom.  It had never been there before.  Somehow it worked it's way out and was hanging next to the outhaul.  We gave it a try.  I hooked the grommet on the hook and raised the main.  Then just pulled on the reefing line and sail came in and was tight to the boom.  Looked and sailed great.  Until the line released from the jaws.  I've been fighting these things since I got the boat using them for the outhaul.  It is tough to get the line locked in, but does eventually.  The reefing line is smaller, same as the furling line and the jaws just don't grip it very well.  It will randomly release, especially with a strong gust.  Otherwise, I like how the boat handles with a reef, really makes it much more comfortable in 12+knots of wind. 

Our initial thought is to replace the reefing line with a bigger line, same stuff as the outhaul, seems like the jaws grab that much better.  I'd rather just use the current reefing line if anyone has any tricks to get the jaws to work better, perhaps I'm not using them correctly.  The second idea is to put a jam cleat on the boom to hold the reefing line.  Last resort, I think. 

It is a very simple system and if the jaws would hold better, it works great.  Any other ideas?
2005 Eclipse #23  Sold


Not sure I have all the answers since I have only had my boat for less than a year but when I bought Off The Wind, none of the cleats functioned as advertised.  The reefing line coming out of the boom was especially troublesome.  It would not hold a set.  I lubed up the pin running through each cam and then cleaned up the teeth of the cam.  The jaw of the cam must float freely or the tension on the line will not hold it.  When the jaw was dirty with mostly road crud from driving, it would not grip the line.  Since lubing the pin and cleaning the jaw,  the reef line has held well and has not popped out.  My outhaul is in the center position and the reef line is in the starboard position.  Not sure which position they are supposed to be in.  McLube applied with a tube directly to the pin, allow it to soak in, lube again, and then clean off the jaws worked for me.  If it does not work then the set-up I had on my P-21 is a great choice.  It would involve adding a pulley to the boom slightly aft of the reef cringle when it is pulled down to the boom and a cleat forward on the boom in line with the pulley.  I had an additional tang to tie the end of the reefing line to the boom, also aft of where the cringle would hit the boom.  Line would start at the tang, go up through the reef cringle, come down to the pulley and forward to the cleat.  Once the luff reefing cringle was over the pin at the mast, I would pull the aft reefing line tight.  It would pull all of the wrinkles out of the sail and then I would cleat it off and tie off the excess line.  Tie off the sail ties around the boom and I was ready to sail.  I had a similar set up for my second reef, just on the other side of the boom.  If the Eclipse set-up becomes an issue I will convert to my P-21 set-up since it worked flawlessly.


Thanks Al, I have lubed all the spinlocks and the sail track.  Never thought to do the jaws.  I'll give that a try.  They don't seem very dirty but I'll clean them too. I don't see many people posting with reefing problems, so it must be something simple. As well designed as the boat is, I can't believe they dropped the ball on this.  Saw a P-23 yesterday up by number 2 daymarker.  I'd forgotten  how pretty they are.  Today is an off day due to the howling wind.  Recharging my body and taking it easy.  I may go for a bike ride later if the wind calms down.  I need to get some exercise. 

Arthur and I usually head out about noon and sail for a couple or 3 hours.  Come join us sometime.  We usually make our go/no go decision around 10 every morning.  Bring your boat down to Ponce or just drive down and we'll take my boat. Or we can meet out on the water.  Give me a call when you have a free afternoon and the sailing looks good.  We've been getting out at least a couple times a week.  I don't see many Compacs out on the harbor.  I saw a blue Sun Cat the other day.  Haven't seen Craig or Nemo out.  All in all, I'm amazed at the lack of boats on the water.  And the big ones in the canals that just never move, sail or power.  Just in my canal is:  Catalina 34 next door, Catalina 30, Hunter 28ish, Contessa 26, Arthur's Corsair 24, and a bunch of 20-40 foot powerboats.  The Catalina next door and the other one have never gone out, the Contessa a couple of times, Arthur a few times a month, and me a couple times a week.  The canal where Tom is, same thing.  Big sailboats that never leave the dock, probably 10 of them.  Unbelievable.  Lots of cash rotting away in these canals.  Sad, really.   Oh, the pool warmed up last week too so it is wonderful to jump in and cool off after a sail.  You can come hang at the pool too if you want.  I think I have a six pack of Amstel light around here somewhere.  I don't drink much, but a beer does taste good after a day on the water. 

I put the bimini up last week and I'm glad I have it.  I hosed it off and it looks new.   I'm still getting used to sailing with it up.  I tend to hit my head on it if I'm in a hurry to get back to the motor when docking.  You, being half a foot taller than I am, must have a lot of fun with them.  I'm also really digging the tiller extension.  It makes putting the main up and down while keeping the boat pointed up much easier.  I haven't used the tiller pilot since I got the extension. 

Another day in paradise.  Someone has to do it.  Might as well be us.  Let's go sailing!

2005 Eclipse #23  Sold


Well, today I installed a modification to the Eclipse reefing system.  I know I originally said the system functioned well, but lately have been out in some heavy weather and found that the aft reef point that runs through the boom would slip.  No big deal except when I was alone.  So, today I added three "parts" and relocated the line.  I put a bail on the port side of the boom half way between the clew and the aft end.  The original line now starts there and goes up to the reefing clew comes back to the boom where a pulley is mounted (starboard side) which turns the line.  The line now goes forward to just about the middle of the boom where a jam cleat is mounted.  This allows me to do the majority of the reefing process in the cockpit.  Seems to function well as I tried it out today in about 15 mph winds and it held really well.  I need to trim off the line a bit more and then it is done.  Sorry no pics.  Sail on and Fair Winds all....


I was thinking of doing the same sort of thing but also putting a pulley on the front end of the boom to replace the hook to save leaving the cockpit at all. This system worked well on other boats I have owned.




I realized that part of the reason for the reefing set up is the booms ability to raise and lower. Not being a fixed boom does seem to add some challenges to retrofitting the reefing arrangement. Usually the boom is fixed and the sail is pulled down after loosening the main halyard.  It seems you have to make sure the boom ends up at the right height to allow clearance at the aft end to clear the boom arch. Marking the halyard is a good start. I know going forward is not ideal but at least when you are there you can do everything in one spot.

Still thinking on this one.



I can't remember if I posted this elsewhere, but I up-sized the reefing line to the same diameter as the outhaul and the reefing line holds in the jaws under the boom much better.  Hasn't let go yet and we've been out in 20 knot gusts. 

2005 Eclipse #23  Sold