
2-15-25: Gerry Hutchins, founder of Com-Pac, has crossed the bar and headed west.

Sincere condolences to his family, and a huge "Thank You!" to Gerry from all of us, I'm sure.
Requiescat in pace.

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how do I upload pictures on the site????

Started by blue duck, September 13, 2013, 09:21:01 PM

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blue duck

I'm trying to figure out posting pictures ....any help would help ....hey I already said that!!!!....thanx in advance :)


Check out this post

About 5 post down from the start are some suggestions that may help.

"Madame Z"   2006 Eclipse    #42

Short Sale

This method is no longer recommended

Many of our posts would be greatly enhanced with the use of photos.  This is what works for me.  I use iPhoto as my photo software and I have a Photobucket account for the sailing photos with a separate folder for the images I use in CPYOA posts.  Whatever image you want to insert needs to be accessible from the web.  This site will use the url of the image to display it in the post. The trick is to get the long string of characters and numbers from the web copy of your photo in between the bracketed codes for images in your post.

To Add Pictures:
1   Drag and Drop photo(s) from iPhoto to the CPYOA Folder on Photobucket.
2   In the Post, click the Insert Image icon from the toolbar (2nd from left).  This adds special internet command codes in the post.

                        PICTURE REMOVED

3   View the single photo in Photobucket and right click on it.
4   Chose Copy Image
5   Paste between the [jpg] [jpg] in the post that results from clicking the Insert Image icon (The letters are really img within the brackets)
6   Add caption under image to better explain the image.
7   Click Preview button at bottom of post to confirm that image is inserted and viewable.
8   Add Returns between multiple images for a better appearance.
10   Click Post.

Step 9 cannot be over emphasized.

I have also made a note of these instructions in a simple text file on my computer so that I can easily review them when I want to post an image.

I hope this helps.

1987 Com-Pac 16/II #2454