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Sailing the Keys book

Started by fried fish, August 31, 2014, 01:11:36 PM

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fried fish

Ahoy mates,
I am contemplating sailing in the Florida Keys on our Compac 23 for 2-3 weeks in Jan or Feb 2015.
Trailering from NC down to Marathon or somewhere close by.
Does anyone have a cruising book suggestion for that specific area?
A suggestion where to store a car & boat trailer in that area?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, hopefully I am not just fantasizing.
My name is not Walter Mitty!
How's the weather there in winter?


Weather is GREAT!  You might try Marathon Marina - I think they have a ramp, or at least one close by and I'm pretty sure they'll let you park there a fee.  With your shallow draft you can cruise the intercoastal (bayside) with many great anchorages, marinas and restaurants all the way to Key West ($$$).  I'm jealous, have fun! Bahia Honda State Park has a ramp, marina, and I'm pretty sure allows parking for a fee. Nice.



i sailed the keys for a month back in winter of 2010.

i launched from at what is now known (according to google earth) affordable-best boat yard.

97951 Overseas Hwy., US mail address P.O. Box 370888, Key Largo, FL 33037 ?
(305) 852-2025 ?

4 years ago, this was a yard that do it yourselfers were more than welcome.

they lifted my starwind 19 from the trailer and placed it in the water, and the jeep and trailer were stored inside the locked facility.

most trailer sailors use what is now know as pirate hat marina (according to google earth)

this would be the 1st marina you come to on you left as you cross the bridge to key largo.

199 Morris Ave, Key Largo, FL 33037 ?
(305) 451-3414 ?

i had a book of waterproof charts, a chartplotter, and a small key cruising guide i purchased used on amazon. (i looked for it this evening but couldn't locate it)

i had thought local knowledge would be helpful, but the cruisers i talked to all warned to stay well inside the channel markers.  this is where having a shoal draft boat comes in handy.

never was i hampered traveling for lack of depth.  (although i did run aground on sandbars 4 times, i was able to push the boat off)

make sure you visit elliot key

boca chita key

and my favorite, indian key

i spent 29 days on the water and hope to someday return.

Oriental, "The Sailing Capitol of North Carolina".

1985 Compac 19/II  "Miss Adventure"
1986 Seidelmann 295  "Sur La Mer" - FOR SALE
1990 Pacific Seacraft Orion "Madame Blue"


fried fish,

Small (8½" X 6"), wide plastic spiral bound, "Cruising Guide to the Florida Keys" by Capt. Frank Papy. Detailed charts, photos, and good descriptions of anchorages and surrounding areas. Used it, liked it, still have it.


Elk River

Fried Fish:  My wife and I camp cruised in the Everglades National Park a few years ago for several days in a 17' O'Day daysailer.  This was in March and we had wonderful weather; just at the end of the dry season and before the wet started.  I purchased, probably from Amazon,  the book "Florida Keys and Everglades Cruising Guide" by Capt. Freya Rauscher.  It covers Florida Bay, Hawk Channel, Miami to Key West and the Dry Tortugas and all points in between.  I also had NOAA Coast Pilot #4, covering Cape Henry, VA to Key West, FL.  Also, for our purposes, I picked up a single sheet waterproof chart from Maptech, Florida Middle Keys: Tavernier Key to Sugarloaf Key, Map # 10.  You would need another one to cover down to Key West.  It sounds as though you have a great adventure planned, it will be a good one to follow through on. Fair winds,  Elk River
Now the Mrs. Elk


You can also put in/park (for a fee) near Florida City, FL.  Save a slow drive through the keys and sail directly across to Key Largo (See West Coast Trailer Sailor Squadron - google it)


Fried fish: I have a  new to me 16 II that needs a FL trip. I look forward to following your adventure plans. Please keep us posted. And my thanks, all, for the valuable/helpful info.