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Started by ramble on, March 24, 2006, 12:58:32 PM

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ramble on

Well, dude, you nailed me! What gave you a clue that I don`t "quite have the boat as yet"? Your insight  and powers of comprehension applied to my 3 prior posts are amazing!

You are right in guessing I am new to sailing. I have never crossed an ocean, raised a foreign port, rounded the horn or sailed into an exotic harbor. Messing about in inland lakes and Florida bays and Keys hardly a sailor makes.

And to follow your lead, for me to think I might get a rise out of the group by comparing a crusier to a racer; that`s just crazy. This forum is far too wise as to misread a post or to be defensive over the possibility of a faster boat.

And you are right again about me and money. I am saving and I do not have a butt-load of cash available to get my dream boat. Please share with me and the group how you can organize your finances and priorities to enable you to spend $50,000.00 on a 23' sailboat. Even though I have made money on all but one of the boats I have bought and sold, I could use advice from somebody like you.

Reading your reply has made me consider leaving my wife behind when I sail. She is very frustrating, to say the least. I buy her all these sailing clothes that she loves at home but wouldn`t wear at all while on our last boat. I find I cannot concentrate on steering when she is aboard.

And as to your unsolicited admissionof being a single-hander, I say, TMI. But you do what you have to do. Don`t forget - one hand for the boat. Enjoy!

Ramble On