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Name Change

Started by Bob23, April 19, 2007, 05:51:14 AM

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   My 1985 23/2 formally known as "Unchained"  and before that "Septembers Love" (by a previous owner), has been rechristened "Koinonia". Once the lettering is done, I will perform all of the required rituals to ward off any bad fortune at sea. As I understand it, I must either row or walk around the ship in a counter-clockwise direction depending on if she's on land or water.
   Anyone else have any other info on this? Although, I'll admit to being quite non-superstitious, it's fun. I've understood that it's bad luck (if you believe in that sort of thing) to have an unnamed boat. I had my Seapearl 21 for 5 years...never got around to naming her and now she's gone to another owner. Boy, I sure miss her...but on to bigger and better things! I love my 23!
   As far as bad luck, one of my favorite things to do on my lucky day which is Friday the 13th, is to break a mirror while walking under a ladder while a black cat is crossing my path. I'll trust in my skill and grace of God instead of being afraid of bad luck!



Interesting name, Koinonia, as in: Household of God.  Are you an ecumenical theologian?

I'm also thinking of renaming my CP 16XL from its current "Bold Ruler" so I appreciate your question.



Hey Bob23,

I like the name. Koinonia -Biblical Greek for close association, fellowship or sharing The time spent sailing is certainly a time of fellowship and sharing.

Also an attitude of good will that manifests itself in a close relationship  What better name for a sailing vessel.  I say forget luck.  Bank on providence.


Thanks for your feedback, gents. I am not an ecumenical theologian...the title just about gives me a headache! I am, however, to use proper new testament terms, a believer. I appreciate the input as to the meaning of the name of my ship. I understood this to be the greek word for fellowship in the truest meaning, that is closeness of hearts, both between man/man and man/ God. I admit to being an semi-occasional church-goer, however I've had much closer times with God out on the water. And I don't have to impress anyone, something Iv'e never been good at and don't care to.
   As far as name change, I think one has to walk or row twice in a counter-clockwise direction. Where that came from, I'll never know. But I have a friend who is a bit superstitious after launching his Morgan 30, and having painted over the original name and procrastinating renaming her, she was struck by lightning last summer here in NJ and sent to the bottom. Fortunately, she's been salvaged and the repairs are well underway, as she will be by this summer.
   Luck? Nah...just lightning. As the bible say, He rains on the just and the unjust.
   Ok, warm winds are comin'. Today I continue my work on Koinonia, one day closer to launch! Bob

ramble on

I am not superstituious but I won`t rename a sailing vessel without a virgin peeing on the bow. Needless to say my wife (virgin for the day) is a great sport!



I agree "ecumenical theologian" is a headache.  The reason why I asked is that koinonia is the watchword for the World Council of Churches.

It's still a great name.



   Didn't know about that virgin-peeing-on-the-bow stuff. Maybe I should've kept the old name? Too late now. And I didn't know about the use of the word koionia by the world council of churches. WOW!!! It's amazing what one can learn on this site!
   Well, Koinonia's uncovered and ready to wax, recoat all exterior teak with yet another coat of Flagship, and receive her new lettering on 5/01. Maybe launch on 5/05? We'll see.
   Ciao for now, Bob


Well, I mashed a couple of name changes to turn "Easy Come Easy Go II" into "Ella J". 

1). Libations poured and (token amounts) drunk by the captain and mate at each of the four cardinal directions

2). Appeal to the four winds as libations poured (fill in your own personification of choice, I used Greeks like Boreas.

3). Sail backwards, supposedly over the old name written on a piece of (biodegradable) paper.

4). Be sure to keep the new name covered up with a tea towel or something until the time of renaming.

There were other instructions, but I used these basics three years abck and have had no unfortunate events since (knock wood here), in fact, when the aged bilge pipe feed tube failed it was just after she had been pulled out of the water.  Search google groups for "boat renaming ceremony" and you'll find what I found.

Oh, and on placid days, remember to scratch the backstay and whistle for wind, but not too much!!!
Peter Brenton & Family
Compac 27 "Nydra"
Chebeague Is ME and Medford MA


   Thanks for all the name change info. Don't know if I'll perform all the required rituals-seems like a lot of work for one who doesn't trust in bad luck. But now Koinonia update:  The new name is on the ship and she'll be launched on 5/19 10:30 am. Most exterior teak is recoated, electronics all working, flux capacitor fluxing. I just recoated the cabin floor with another coat of Flagship. All that's left is some waxing, put the cushions aboard and start enjoying this ship that I've spent many hours tinkering with.
   I'm planning on a multi-day Barnegat Bay, NJ  cruise this summer. Although Iv'e spent much time camping in the past, I haven't done any boat cruising yet and am looking forward to it. Anyone who knows Barnegat Bay knows that the water can be sometimes thin, even for a 27" draft Compac 23. I enjoy navigating and finding gonkholes to discover and there are plenty in our bay.
   Ciao to all...gotta get ready for work! Bob23 out