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Replacing missing fiddly-bits

Started by McNemo, September 17, 2023, 11:45:47 AM

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Jim in TC

Quote from: bruce on September 20, 2023, 02:52:27 PM

I recall you replaced your gaff gooseneck entirely to fix the problems you were having in 2018. Looking at the photo of your new gooseneck, from Com-Pac, in Reply #22 of your thread I see you have the extended ring slide. How has that worked out, any bending or scarring on the gaff?

In the photo I see the red throat halyard but I don't see the ring. The top of my slide to the bottom of the ring is 1 9/16" (between the arrows in the photo). It looks like yours may be more, could you check that? If Com-Pac uses a longer stalk these days that may have corrected the problem. McNemo has a 2014, and he found scarring and his extended ring broke right off, but later boats, and current spare parts, may be OK.

Com-Pac lists the same part for all the catboats, MC00G000, $96.20.

Next time at the marina I will go for that measurement. May be soon, but may be some days...
2006 Sun Cat Mehitabel


I did hear from Jim yesterday as CaptK worked to resolve the issues on the forum. (Thanks CaptK!)

Jim sent this photo of his extended ring. The length of his 2018 stalk looks unchanged from my 2010, 1 1/2" +/-. But, I do note that his remains straight and true, no bend, after 5 years in service. There is scarring on the gaff cast end cap from the weld, which Jim confirms is recent, but if the ring is rubbing on the gaff isn't enough to cause damage to the slide.

Although McNemo and other SC owners have experienced problems with the extended ring, many/most have not. The problem is much more consistent on the PC. It may be that the PC gaff is peaked slightly higher, but I haven't compared sail dimensions to see if this is the case.

I'd still replace the damaged extended ring slide with the Dwyer slide, ring down, or modify the existing slide, but it's clear a new slide from Com-Pac may work just fine.

I did post this yesterday afternoon, and for a while anyway it was displayed, but today I notice it's gone so I'll repost this. Sorry for any dupes.
Aroo, PC 308
Narragansett Bay, RI