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FF2 instalation

Started by jfair1954, August 11, 2020, 08:20:29 AM

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Ok Thanks for all
Here in Montreal, CDI and / or ComPac yachts are totaly unknown. For me it is  very useful  to be able to communicate with those who really use these fine boats...
Yesterday , I have lowered the turnbuckle so I gained approx.1/2 inch...I need to do more but as it is now, i have the backstay very tight with the headstay and the the bobstay also tight. Any more tightening of the head stay will rake the mast fwd...Not good.
So I am looking at some experimenting with the balancing of the rigging ( upper stays,aft and fwd lowers ) .
I will do it by the book ( CP23 manual frm 1990 )
Another solution I tought of is drilling a new hole into the drum throat,higher than the existing one , where I can insert the support pin. I am questionning if this will affect the drum's sturdiness.I also understand that I may need to shorten the luff extrusion of the same amount of space to keep the clearance at the masthead , would I decide to do so...
Today anyway,rain and 25kn gusts so good canadian beer at home is on the menu.
Tks for your interest and comments.